I have not lost any weight since Feb. I am down 65 to 70 pounds

It depends what day it is. I started out at 224 and am now down to 154-158.5. I was a 22-24 in jeans and now a 10-12 A 2 or 3 x and now a L. in shirts, I am happy with what I lost But i just can't get my momentum back to get back to eating and exercising. I have recently been diagnosed with depresion and am now on welbutrin but i just want to know if any one out there has " fallen" and how they got back up. I used to walk 1.5 miles a day and just can't seem to get the energy to now. I eat when ever I am hungry and am finding it an increasingly harder time to eat like I am supposed to. I can't even stand the thought of water even flavored makes me sick. so slowly I have gotten back to drinking pop. It is suger free and caffeine free. any thoughts of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.thank you all    — Lynne K. (posted on May 19, 2003)

May 19, 2003
Hang in there girl. I often feel the same way. But I look at what I used to look like and it helps me. Drinking water is a huge problem for me. I don't even like pop anymore and the doctor is on my case about my kidneys not functioning properly if I don't start drinking more. But we will get through this. Just keep thinking what you used to look like and ask yourself, do you want to be like that again. Sometimes we all need to cheat. It only makes us human.
   — Brenda B.

May 19, 2003
Hi Lynne, I understand how you feel. I have my good weeks and bad weeks. And although I reached my goal weight, I started eating too many snacks and sugar in general. And sure, maybe for a year I'd keep it off, but I knew my bad habits were crawling back, so I put a stop to it. I empathize with you, I have depression as well and also have some chronic illnesses, so its hard to get motivated. I basically just say affirmations to myself. And I know that after I walk 2 or 3 miles, I will feel so much better- it is the anticipation that kills me. I also found a walking buddy, so that helps me. Is there anyone who could walk with you? I was also exercising 5 times a week- cardio and lifting weights- and I burned out. SO i realized, I can do 3 days a week and still be healthy and successful. So don't burn yourself out! Also, I have cut up veggies and protein drinks ready for me- so if I get a craving for sugar- I reach for the pepper or radish instead. Have you done crystal light? My surgeon said diet snapple is ok as well. But even with drinking those, you still need real water- I know that's hard for you. Just tell yourself that tomorrow is a new day, and you can do it! Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 20, 2003
If you are still depressed and can't seem to get motivated, perhaps either the medication hasn't kicked in or its the wrong dosage amount - talk to your doctor who prescribed it. Thats the first step-getting you feeling well enough to take control again and energy enough to exercise. After that the rest is up to you. You know what you are doing wrong, lack of exercise, water, not eating right. And only YOU can motivate yourself to do it. My favorite self motivator is Nike's slogan JUST DO IT. I pasted it to the fridge and on occasion, in different spots in the house. When I start with my excuses-I'm too tired to work out, or I don't feel like drinking water right now, I look to the slogan, and JUST DO IT. It works. Try it and good luck.
   — Cindy R.

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