Can anyone who has had a tummy tuck tell me....

If you have a tummy tuck on Friday, is it humanly possible to go back to work on Monday. My job is not hard at all, mainly just sit at a desk all day. The reason I wanted to know was I am in the process of getting the tummy tuck and will start a NEW JOB very soon. It would not look good to my new employer to have to take several weeks off for recovery when JUST starting new job but I have waited a long time for the tummy tuck and don't want to have to wait ANY LONGER. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...    — gloriafb (posted on May 16, 2003)

May 16, 2003
There is absolutely NO WAY you could go back to work on Monday. Maybe after 1 full week but not 3 days!
   — MARSHA D.

May 16, 2003
I agree! Absolutely NOT! This is MAJOR surgery and isn't a walk in the park. I just had mine on March 31st and it HURTS.
   — Kris T.

May 16, 2003
NO!!!!!!!!! I just had a TT two and a half weeks ago. After I had the gastric bypass I was shopping in the mall 5 days later and back to work in 14 days. It has been 17 days since my TT and there is no way I could get through a day at work. And I have a cushy office job. Three days after my TT I couldn't even wald ten feet to the bathroom by myself.
   — Linda A.

May 16, 2003
I had my TT in November 02. I was off for 3 weeks. Heck I couldn't even stand straight for almost 2 weeks. Even after returning to work, I took it slowly. Coughing, sneezing and anything to do with pushing and pulling will hurt for quite sometime. Good Luck!
   — Bea T.

May 16, 2003
I was scheduled for a tummy tuck; and post poned because I started a new job - I know how it feels to have to pospone vs going thru with it. Could you have a TT on Friday and go back to work monday??? hmmm To start with if you have surgery on Friay; chances are YOU will be in the hospital until Sunday (2 days) Going back to work the next day after getting out of the hospital? I wouldnt have wanted too.. First of all you will have TWO drains; one on each side; so sleeping isnt going to be good; You can bearly move; will be in pain. You will have to drain them 3 times a day; which means, if you were working once at work; YOU would NOT be able to DRIVE at all.. so would someone be able to drive? There is 'no lifting' rule; etc.. and you certainly wouldnt be able to file. AND lets see.. sitting 8 hours after a tummyt uck in a seat? I wouldnt count on it. The mininum would be two weeks; and even then I was still having alot of discomfort... I think you should plan for at least 3 weeks min. If you cant take it off.. postpone..
   — star .

May 16, 2003
The recovery post-TT was so much more difficult than the recovery post-WLS. There's no way you can do anything other than lay there and sleep, and get up occassionally to go to the bathroom and empty your drains 3 days post-op. Allow yourself plenty of time!
   — Claire P.

May 16, 2003
I asked my surgeon how long I would be off work for my tummy tuck and he said up to 4 weeks but definitely two weeks at the minimum. I had my surgery on Tuesday, left the hospital Friday afternoon late and returned to work exactly two weeks from the date of surgery. I felt great and think I could have gone back sooner but he wouldn't allow it. You will be swollen, bruised, sore and stiff. The initial pain was much worse than the RNY for me - I had my pain pump right up until leaving the hospital - and I was using it the entire time. After that first weekend, the pain subsided greatly and I was pretty bored. But, no, I don't think you would be able to go back to work that soon. And, I didn't even have drains.
   — Patty_Butler

May 16, 2003
From personal experience, I would say definately not!!! You are going to be sore and stiff for a few weeks. It also depends on how much the surgeon takes off of you. I would definately ask the surgeon what he thinks.
   — twenc

May 18, 2003
Hello all!! This is the original poster of this question. I would like to thank all of you who answered my question, boy!!! after reading all of your responses I guess I will just have to postpone my tummy tuck. I guess I thought I could be super woman and do this and go right back to work in a few days. I guess I thought that with having 5 c-sections and the WLS and I was up around town shopping and walking just 3 days after each of these operations, (except the WLS and the only reason I was not out and about with this one was because the hospital staff would not let me leave the hospital grounds, LOL) but with the c-sections I was out of the hospital and shopping and doing GREAT. Oh well I waited 2 yrs to have the WLS, I guess I will just have to try to be patient and wait 6 months for the tummy tuck!!! Thanks all...
   — gloriafb

May 20, 2003
I was off for 3 weeks but could have went back to work at 2 weeks. Remember, you will also have drainage tubes in you that will have to be removed. The TT was a MUCH easier surgery then the RNY, but I can't even imagine going back to work in a couple of days. I would say a minimum of 10 days off would be more realistic.
   — Patty H.

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