I need advice on our favorite topic....Exercise :o)

I am doing my exercising 3-4 times a week, but im not sure if im doing the ones I need to help me tone up this flabby skin. I just want to know what everyone else is doing to tone up and is it working? I do the exercise bike, 10lb weights for my arms and I go dancing once a week(I do take walks when it's nice out and I move around alot now, way more active). I'm still lazy about it though, I still hate exercise lol, but I am doing so much better. Thanks for the help!    — Sandy M. (posted on May 8, 2003)

May 8, 2003
Sandy, Hi there, you're not alone with the "Hating of the exercise" I truly hate doing cardio, I'm 11 almost 12 months post op down 130, and workout every other day, I put in about 15 mins of cardio a day just by walking, that way I at least get a little in, how-ever on the days that I go to the gym, I concentrate on weight training, It must be a mental thing, as I'm truly bored with any kind of cardio workout, how-ever the weight training, I see results so fast ! Look I have muscles ! , The results keep me comming back for more, nope women don't bulk up, they tone up, and that's what weight training for me, has done. Proud to say I have no bat wings, how-ever I will need a tt for apron removal, seems no matter what I do, it just won't budge any... Excess skin is the worst.. When I'm not out walking on break, or at the gym working out, I have a sit down job, I try to break it up, I have 2 lb ankle weight in which I'll put on and wear at my desk, or I have my 5 lbs hand weight in which I'll sit and do some reps at my desk....... stretches anything to wake up the body... buns are asleep ! No fear here, people think I'm weird..... but hey it's working ! Post op 12 months down 130 pounds,. about 14 pounds till goal
   — tannedtigress

May 8, 2003
I do cardio (running, elliptical machine, cycling, stairmaster, walking) to burn calories, build stamina and lose (and now maintain) weight. I do weightlifting to tone. I really don't think any of it will fix the excess skin problem (bat wings with muscles ... that's me!). My legs are now so thin I almost frighten myself, but the saggy tummy rages on -- I just stuff it into a "body shaper" thingie and move on. ;~) Exercise really does have other benefits, to my surprise. I feel stronger and can weigh more (but look smaller) and eat more (and burn more calories) due to exercise. Plus, it's kind of cool to have body goals that aren't completely scale- or dress-size-driven. Being able to move faster, or for longer, than you could before, in any exercise makes you feel like you've accomplished something. Plus, I'm stronger now -- I can change the big water jug at the water cooler instead of standing around looking parched and pathetic. Cool beans!
   — Suzy C.

May 8, 2003
Hi Sandy, I completely understand about the exercise. I started out going to the gym 5 times a week, I loved it and was so into it. Well, low and behold, 4 months later it faded, just as most of my little obsessions do! lol But now I do 3 times a week, and although I wish I could do more, I realize that if I want to keep this a lifestyle, I need to do it moderately and not hate it. I lift weights (between 30-60lbs.- depending on where I'm lifting) and do cardio (bike, treadmill or elliptical- I rotate but mostly use elliptical). Are you exercising from home? I do most major body parts when lifting, so I have been toning everything from my biceps, triceps and shoulders to my quads, gluts and calves. It has really been working for me, and I've only been doing it since January, but within a few months noticed a big difference, and so has everyone around me. So it really does work if you keep up with it. But if it truly is just hanging skin, that really won't go away unless you get plastic surgery unfortunately. According to trainers and some doctors I've spoken with, no matter how much exercise, the skin can't just dissappear. I think your workout sounds good though, and even though you're not doing weights with your legs, you're still toning them with the dancing, walking and biking. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 10, 2003
hi i join a health club and had a assement done by a trainer and they have me doing 25-40 min on cardio which is tred mill and bike and 2 sets of exercise on machines most of what they have me doing is strenth exercise i have only done this for a mo havent seen anything yet but the traine said give it at lease 3 mos. i would say it would depend on your age also i am 56 i still have the hanging stomach but not as much when i was 110lbs heaver so take care if you would like to write please do.

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