I felt guilty for not going into Lane Bryant while shopping yesterday.

I'm now a size 6-8 and was shopping at the mall when I passed Lane Bryant. For some reason I had a really strong urge to go in. Kind of like I "owed" it to the store for being there for me for so many years. Does this make sense to anyone? I ended up not going in, since it would have been pointless, but I felt really guilty the rest of the day. Am I nuts or what? Thanks!    — Angie M. (posted on May 4, 2003)

May 4, 2003
I remember going shopping a few weeks before surgery and bidding farewell to LB and August Max Woman. I still stroll through the women's department at Macy's but only to scour up the tiny sizes (14/16) that always seem to be left! I feel your pain though, but pray I'll see a size 6 or 8 someday!--Jen
   — Mrs. Rich

May 4, 2003
I still have to shop at Lane Bryant (I'm pre-op, 1st consult Aug. 12th) and I cannot wait until I do not have to shop there anymore. The clothes are quality but I think they are still overpriced...I cannot wait to be able to shop at Xpress, Banana Rebublic, Gap, etc...Don't feel guilty, you worked your but off to lose enough wait to wear a size 6/8. Congrats! & God Bless!
   — Shayla527

May 4, 2003
Yes, they were there to take your money while you needed them...but think of were spending WAY more money there for lesser quality clothing. I am a 6-8 now too and nothing in my closet cost me more than $30...and I have Ralph, Liz and Calvin to keep me company now :)
   — Ilene M.

May 4, 2003
I too know what you mean, but I feel like a pevious poster stated about paying too much, Being a man is just as hard as a woman, go into walmart kmart ect and try to find cheap clothes for a 390 pound man (size 60" waist) no dice, so I had to order from big and tall catalogs and pay $35-45 for jeans so I wore sweatpants all the time, now being 6 months post op and being 154 pounds lighter I can and do go to walmart now and buy jeans, but what still pisses me off is when I buy jeans and 2 weeks later they are too big, but THAT I CAN LIVE WITH (LOL) btw I went from 60" waist to "42 and still going will be a lot less after TT.... Good job so far on your "loss" I hope lots more to come Chris (Lap Rny 11/01/2002 down 154 pounds as of 5/4/2003)
   — Christopher W.

May 4, 2003
Do you feel guilt when you pass Mickey D's or KFC or any of your old favorite stomping (eating in the car!) grounds? If the answer is yes, you may be jewish!! lol Enjoy!!
   — msmaryk

May 4, 2003
Hi, I'm pre-op and I don't think you're crazy at all for feeling that way. It's just like you said..they were there for you....I totally get it. I feel that way about JcPenny and Sillouette(sp?) catalogs because if they didn't offer the EXTENDED sizing I would be SO screwed..well, I'd basically be naked because I don't think anything would fit me(34w)!! So, it's okay to feel that way andd sooner or later those feelings will go away. I can't wait for the day I'll be like one of the other posters scooping up all the great deals on the 14/16 stuff left on the clearance rack...that'd be a dream come true. I can't even imagine getting down low enough to fit into a size 6 or 8..good job!! Keep up the great, hard work and good luck!
   — kathleen-Joan piper

May 4, 2003
Hey, don't feel too bad! Lane Bryant, IMO, is a very evil place. They prey on those women that can't shop anywhere else. It's like a monopoly, kind of. I mean, who's going to stop them from charging $50 for a pair of pants?? And they probably just want your money...they don't really care about the clothes they sell you. I say, strut your size 6-8 self into the regular store and go nuts, girl!
   — Brittany C.

May 4, 2003
Pre-op and for a while post-op, everything I wore (except shoes) were Lane Bryant. I didn't know I was such a clothes hog until after I lost weight and started giving things away. NOW, I can go to the resale shops and get good stuff for 1/4 the price! And go to a dept. store and get great bargains in the "normal" size department. Do NOT feel deserve to keep going forward and don't look back. You supported them (money-wise) and they supported you (clothes), so don't feel guilty about that relationship ending and hope you don't have to be "friends" again.
   — Betty Todd

May 5, 2003
Actually, I feel the opposite when I pass Lane Bryant. I smile knowing that I can't fit into anything in their store anymore! Same reaction to Dress Barn Woman and all the catalogs that I just trash now without even looking at them!
   — Cindy R.

May 5, 2003
Are you kidding? My surgery is one week from today and one of the things I have been MOST looking forward to, since receving my approval and realizing this was actually going to be a reality, is the day when I can walk by the window display of a normal store in the mall, see something I like on one of those mannequins, and actually go inside the store and buy it because I can fit into normal clothing sizes. Lane Bryant has been great up to this point in my life because I have had someplace to shop for relatively fashionable clothing--despite my size--but I am excited to see what the other 179 stores in my local mall have to offer. I say savor every moment of shopping for a size 6-8 and don't once look back when you pass Lane Bryant, from now on!
   — Amanda S.

May 5, 2003
Hi there! Don't feel guilty!!! Look at it this way -- Lane Bryant serves a purpose. Yes, maybe they take advantage of MO people because they charge higher prices, but what choice do we have? Some of us cannot shop at places like Walmart or Sears, and although I can sometimes find things at places like Walmart, there have also been times when I was very grateful to have Lane Bryant and Roamans catalogs. Especially if I needed something more formal to wear. I live in a small town with limited shopping -- sometimes LB is all I had. But back to my original point, they serve a purpose. They were there for you when you needed them. Now you don't need them anymore and that is nothing to feel guilty about. There will always be plenty of MO people to shop there. The next time you pass a LB store, look in at the people shopping and #1, smile knowing that you are not an unhealthy obese person anymore, #2 say a quick prayer for the people in there that they find help with their obesity (whether through wls or their own means, wls isn't for everyone), and smile at anyone that looks back at you -- you know what it's like to be in their shoes. Sometimes a friendly face does more to make your day than anything else! Congrats on your awesome loss!! Size 6-8??? RUN to Old Navy or Ross and never look back!!!!
   — beeda

May 5, 2003
O.K. when Lane Bryant no longer has clothes that will fit, do what some of us do at the Gap and other stores that we don't "fit" into socks:)
   — Sarahlicious

May 5, 2003
YEP UR NUTS GIRLFRIEND, lol just kidding seriously though dont feel that way because its a blessing you dont have to go in there anymore....their clothes suck! sorry for those that like them but I shopped there and always hated it but had no choice since I was too big to shop any where else..spent way to much money on clothes i didnt even like. Now just for shits and giggles i walk in and smile cuz i know i cant buy anything their clothes are too big now!! Happy trails, move on to the skinny stores!
   — Deanna Wise

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