I think I am being given the runaround by my ins.?

On Mon. I was told I would have an answer in 48 hours, called, told 72 hours, called again another 72 hours. I believe I am being given the runaround by Cigna. How is it that they can just change the time frame from day to day? I am starting to get frustrated.    — bubbleboo K. (posted on May 3, 2003)

May 3, 2003
You seem to be going through the same thing I am going through! Cigna is being such a pain! If you call 3 times in a row you get 3 different answers. I was denied and am now on appeal #1, luckily I did some research and got a phone number directly to the appeal dept. after being told that I could not call them at all by member services. I call that new # now and get better service. If you want the # I will give it to you, be it may only be for certain policies. Joy
   — kjonhjk

May 3, 2003
Karen, were you talking to the same person each time? Probably not, so everyone's concept of time is not the same, and was probably just a guess on their part. Keep calling, not to bug or hassle them, but just to keep updated. YOu will find out, don't worry, most insurances take a week or two, maybe more, so don't get frustrated. Although I know its hard to wait! Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 3, 2003
If they keep giving you the runaround.You may want to think about self pay My daughter went to Mexico to DR,Aggurrie his total cost is 6,900 hospital and all he even took out her gall bladder at no cost because it was bad, If you find you need to go self pay please e-mail me I will help as much as I can with info.Daughter`s E-mail is [email protected] Other lady that had it is [email protected] Mine [email protected] God be with you Theresa
   — Theresa L.

May 3, 2003
Insurance companies are notorious for this type of treatment. (I should know, I work for one!) My best advice is to document each and EVERY conversation you have with them -- write down the date and most importantly, get the NAME of the person you have spoken with. Do not be afraid to ask for a supervisor and tell them your frustration at getting 3 different answers. If it's one thing I've learned throughout this whole process is the squeaky wheel gets the grease! If it is any consolation, my insurance carrier put me through the wringer too but it was all worth it. I am now 10 days post-op and doing great! Hang in there!!
   — Kimberly P.

May 5, 2003
Get names and titles. That is the best way to deal with this problem from the beginning. Unfortunately insurance offices are no different than any other place of business, different employees have different work ethics (and get away with it). Good luck.
   — Diane S.

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