I have to have a second surgery. I had the gastric by-pass on March 4, and there is

some type of intestine blockage, so I have to have surgery again on May 5. Not looking forward to another one so soon, but what can I do! Anyway, on to my question. I am planning on going to Fort Myers Beach, FL the end of May, and since I have had some complications, I don't want to get down there and have more. Does anyone know of a doctor down there that does these types of surgeries and is good, in case I have problems while there? Thanks for your help.    — JoAnn A. (posted on April 30, 2003)

April 30, 2003
Hi, I had to have a second surgery for the same reason, more or less. Anyway, I never felt well enough to travel even a mile or two, let alone to another state, but the problem that I had most of the time was just being dehydrated and low on potassium, etc. Any ER can treat that for you if it should become necessary. I actually spent one 2 week or so period right before my second surgery in a hospital other than the one where I had my original surgery. The gastro docs there were the ones who figured out what my problem was. If I were you, I'd just plan to go. If anything should go wrong, you can also get to an emergency room and the chances of anything going wrong are probably pretty small. Go and enjoy yourself!
   — garw

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