2.5 Months Post Op, Am I eating too much?
Tonight I made some homemade pizza for dinner, and I was able to eat almost an entire slice, not a real big slice, but it was almost a whole slice. I am currently about 2 1/2 months post op. Are there any of you out there who have done this as well at this stage? Should I be concerned that this is too much? Im probably worrying too much. Thanks! — Kris T. (posted on April 12, 2003)
April 12, 2003
I think that is fine. I am about three months post-op, and occasionally I
will eat a small slice of a medium thin crust Pizza Hut pizza for a treat.
April 12, 2003
Yes, I can eat a slice of pizza also (I'm 3 months post-op). But give me a
"heavy" protein, like meatballs or chopsteak, and I can only eat
a few bites!
— j D.
April 12, 2003
Yes, I probably could eat a whole slice of pizza, but was afraid to try. A
lot of people worry that they can eat too much and I am one of them. One
thing you will learn is that it matters on the density of the food and the
amount you can eat varies from day to day. Today was the first day that I
vomited from overeating and I am over a year postop!
— Lisa N M.
April 13, 2003
I personally couldn't eat it but not due to the volume. I just can't
handle pizza anymore. lol The crust just does a real number on me. Do
what is right for you as we all are different.
— Tracy A.
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