How much is too much at one time? Should I crush even though I can swallow?

I am taking 2 calcium, 2 skin,hair,& nails, a multi CHEWABLE vitamin, and 2 prescription meds daily. I break the calcium and the skin, hair, & nails pills in half, which leaves me with 8 half size pills and two regular pills to take daily (total of 10). My question...IS TAKING 4 OF THE 1/2 SIZE PILLS ALONG WITH 1 REGULAR SIZE PILL AT ONE TIME TOO MUCH FOR MY STOMA??? I DON'T WANT TO STRETCH IT!!! & IF IT IS WHAT CAN I DO? I worry that taking 5 pills at once (1 calcium broke in half, 1 skin, hair & nails supplement broke in half, and one prescription pill for migraine prevention) might cause something to stretch. I seem to not have enough hours in the day if I take them one at a time....especially since I have to wait an hour before drinking anything again.....if I took them one at a time, then waited to drink, I would never get in enough fluids. I don't have a problem swallowing them and so many that I have read about do...YIKES, I hope I'm not abnormal. Sometimes I have to take two swallows of water but most times can get them all down at once with one gulp. Please let me know what I should be doing and if you think there is reason for worry of stretching the stoma by taking it all at once!    — Carol V. (posted on March 25, 2003)

March 25, 2003
I just have a quick question...if you're taking only 2 calcium a day, are they 750mgs. each?...we need 1500 mgs. a day of calcium citrate, preferably the kind with magnesium and vitamin D for better absorption.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 25, 2003
I see that you're about five months post-op. Joy is right, if you're an RNY post-op, you should be taking 1500 mg. of calcium citrate a day (preferrably with Vitamin D and magnesium to aid absorption). Since we can't absorb more than 500 mg. at a time, that means roughly one 500 mg. capsule or pill (or equivalent), three times a day, space at least two hours apart. Also, are you taking an iron supplement? The calcium and iron shouldn't be taken together, as both are "absorption hogs" that interfere with absorption of other pills taken with them. I'd be checking with your pharmacist to see if calcium (and iron, if you take it) will interfere with the absorption of your prescription meds. I don't think pill size should be an issue at five months out, unless you've had problems with a pill or capsule getting stuck.
   — Suzy C.

March 25, 2003
I'm about 3.5 months post, and today I started taking the Isotonix vitamins. I NEVER could get in all my vitamins and calcium. And even when I did, I had no way of knowing what was absorbed. So now, I can take my vitamins and calcium in one easy liquid drink (about 4oz of water) and another calcium at night, and I'm DONE! It's SO much easier, and I love it already! I bought them at I highly recommend it. ~Diana
   — Diana L.

March 25, 2003
Hi I just had one question. You wrote: <p> <i>I seem to not have enough hours in the day if I take them one at a time....especially since I have to wait an hour before drinking anything again.</i> <p> I don't understand. Why do you have to wait an hour to drink after taking vitamins? You only have to wait an hour after eating before drinking again and thats to allow the food to remain in your pouch longer so you feel full longer and eat less. Take care.<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -83lbs & Counting!
   — thumpiez

March 25, 2003
Thanks for the responses, I am not taking an iron supplement. I had iron levels checked and all is good. I contacted my surgeons office today to double check about the calcium and I was assured that it was only 500mg. daily that I am to I take 2 Citracal + D & magnesium which is the 500mg. There is also calcium in my multi-vitamin, but the doctor's office said 500mg extra was all I should take....isn't it wierd how different surgeons can be...but I suppose that we should all do as our doctor's tell us. The office also told me that I could crush my pills and add to pudding, or whatever, or take it with a ounce or so of fluid....also told me that if I wasn't having difficulty swallowing them, that I shouldn't worry about them stretching out my pouch or stoma. So, I'll keep my fingers crossed that I'm doing OK and the right thing...Please, keep posting to this question if you have anything to add. Thanks Again
   — Carol V.

March 25, 2003
Christie: As far as I knew I had to wait an hour to give things time to absorb, before washing the pills, etc. out of my pouch....I have been told 45 minutes-an hour and know it's easier for me to keep track of time using an hour. If im incorrect with this issue, it wouldn't be the first time. Learning is something we all do daily.
   — Carol V.

March 25, 2003
Hi Carol. I really think the "one hour rule" applies to food, not vitamins. The vitamin isn't absorbed in the pouch anyway. It needs to get OUT of the pounch into the intestines before it can be absorbed. I would not wait to drink after taking vitamins.
   — Jim F

March 25, 2003
Thanks Jim, after looking into it further, I would have to agree with what you and Christie have said and brought to my attention. Thanks again and Happy Losing! Open RNY 11-15-02 255 down to 187 goal 145 Dr. Coster/Grinnell
   — Carol V.

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