Please tell me what to do. I am 4 1/2 weeks post op and following all of my directio

I am 41/2 weeks post op, and have been following my drinking and eating rules, almost everytime after I eat, I have to stand at the sink for an hour and spit. What can I do about all of this extra mucous?? I am not drinking or eating within 30 minutes of each other and this is driving me crazy! Will it ever go away? Thanks    — kim V. (posted on March 9, 2003)

March 9, 2003
That mucous is the result of stuck food. Try taking smaller bites,chew very well and waiting at least 5 minutes between each. I personally stick my finger down to rid it, but it must be eventually going down for you. It's like a plugged drain. Yes it does get better, but savor these times as that is why you lose so fast in the begining. If water or liquids is doing that, then see your doctor.
   — ZZ S.

March 9, 2003
I did fine with food until i was about a month post op, then I had about 2 weeks where I was throwing up at least once a day. It was the same sort of thing, I would eat, then i would get this stuck feeling in my stomach and start having all this mucus coming up. I would try to just let it go, but it would start hurting so bad that I would have to make myself throw up. I agree with the last poster, try slowing down, maybe even going back to really soft foods for a couple of days. I have been fine ever since then thank goodness, because it was miserable!
   — Amber F.

March 9, 2003
in the begining when that happened to me i always had to throw up. throwing up will make it stop. it does eventually go away.
   — kimberly T.

March 10, 2003
For about the first 8-12 weeks post op I had similiar problems. I finally figured out that my problem was two fold. First if I ate too fast.. this one was especially hard for me not to do! And second, if I ate more than I should or ate heavy foods like bread. My suggestions would be to try and eat less, stop before you feel full, and see if that helps. If not, try slowing down how you eat, chew each bite for a full minute and allow 2-3 minutes before taking another bite. Now that I have said all that.. when I hit abut 3 months it started to get better. I am now 7 month post op and am doing great. The only time I have trouble now is if I eat too fast (which I still do on occasion). But even now I just get uncomfortable not sick. So have faith! It WILL get better!
   — Tami D.

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