The staff has told me to do my shopping before I come

Can you help me and tell be what to bring they said broth what kind?    — aubrey O. (posted on March 7, 2003)

March 6, 2003
low fat Chicken, beef, vegtable(if you can find it). Buy soups that you can drain the juice off and drink that. Get the added benefit of the veggies in that. Feed the rest to a family member (hubby liked idea that pretty well, no waste). Of course the sugar free jello and popsicles. Hope this helps some. I'm trying to compose a list myself and this is what I've gotten so far. (My surgery is in April).
   — Jamie M.

March 6, 2003
Definitely buy soups with meat and veggies in and drain the liquid off as it tastes so much better than just broth that never had anything else in it. Even the broth off chicken noodle or chicken rice is so much more flavorfull than just chicken broth. My dogs loved all the noodles. I also was allowed water, crystal light and sugar free jello and sugar free popsicles.
   — zoedogcbr

March 6, 2003
Maybe i misunderstood the question but it seems like you have to take your own broth to the hospital. I never heard of this. They are supposed to supply this. Maybe they are talking about doing your shopping to have stuff when you get home. The other posters were right about what to have at home.
   — Delores S.

March 6, 2003
I don't know but I wished I would have brought my own chicken broth with me! The hospital had the nastiest, saltist, grossest chicken broth I ever had. Completely turned me off of it - I think for life! But, all the stuff mentioned in the previous posts is what you will need. Lots of popsicles, I think I lived off those mostly at first. That and crystal light.
   — Dee ,.

March 6, 2003
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that for the first three days in the hospital, all I could have was ice chips and water. I couldn't stand for my mouth to be HOT. So, when I got home all I really craved was sugar free fruit popcicles. I still have to have at least one per day. I cannot stand for my mouth to hot. I bought sugar free jello, beef and chicken broth, cream of chicken soup, eggs, mashed potatoes and yogurt also. I would check with your doctor, though. Some docs prefer their patients to be on clear liquids for at least two weeks. My doctor wanted me to start eating as soon as I could but I had to be on soft foods for two weeks after my surgery. I couldn't eat meat for about four weeks. Then, I could start on chicken and tuna. Look for things that are HIGH in protien and make sure that you eat protein first then carbs. Also, be sure to get plenty of water. I have found Dasani is best for me. Everything else, including tap water, makes me nauseated. Eating and drinking things is a trial and error thing. One day it may work for you and the next you will not be able to eat or drink it. I am almost two months out from surgery and I am still learning things everyday. Each day is different and I take it one day at a time now. Things will get better for both of us. Good luck to you in your journey! Daphine
   — Daphine C.

March 7, 2003
Hi, I bought 2 cans of chicken broth before surgery, and I STILL HAVE to be honest with you, it tasted REALLY BAD after surgery. It kinda tasted like...well..PEE. (of course I have never drank pee, but you know what I mean!!!) lol
   — fropunka

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