Has anyone out there seen NEW hyperparathyroidism in the first 3 mos post-op?

I am about 12 weeks post-roux-en-Y, feeling better in general. I have had bone and muscle pain with fatigue for years. My MD and I assumed this was fibromyalgia, since my mother and sister have FM. However since the bypass I have developped an elevation of my parathyroid hormone. Still waiting for andocrinology appointment. Anybody?    — chakra5 (posted on February 24, 2003)

February 24, 2003
Hi, I am 15 mos post op and I too have elevated Parathyroid levels. My pcp consulted with an endorcrinologist and the specialist said that as long as my calcium levels were ok that this test meant nothing. I am not real comfortable with this advice though. I am confused too as I didn't have any problems with the thyroid preop. My PHT was in the hundreds...111 I think. Way high. What does this mean ? Anybody? Help us out please.
   — Mylou52

February 24, 2003
Me too, me too! I had elevated levels post-op. I was scheduled for hernia repair and my doctor made me get a parathyroid scan to make sure things were o.k. Well, needless to say I was more than p.o'd! My surgeon said the levels were off cause I dropped rapid weight and my body was like being in space with the gravity and all. My scan was normal. Try not to worry. Talk to your surgeon about it too. Could be the same thing.
   — Cinna G.

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