A question about Tomato soup..

I had my surgery about 41/2 weeks ago through the BTC in Michigan, and I know the dieticians there told us to avoid tomato soup because of the sugar content, but preop I loved Tomato soup so much and the last few days I have had an intense craving for it. Is there anyone out there who went ahead and tried it anyway? I know everyone is different, but I was wondering how did you react?    — Kris T. (posted on February 21, 2003)

February 21, 2003
I had ALOT of tomato soup in the beginning, and never had any problems with it, if your going to try it make it with water not milk and just try a few teaspoons then wait about 10 minutes if all is well try a few more teaspoons and wait again for 10 minutes or so. If you don't have any reaction to it by then it should be fine. Just my suggestion ;)
   — Min W.

February 21, 2003
I know several people who have eaten tomato soup from the beginning. One adds cheese and one adds tofu for protein.
   — susanje

February 21, 2003
I know several people who have eaten tomato soup from the beginning. One adds cheese and one adds tofu for protein.
   — susanje

February 21, 2003
Tomato soup makes me dump.
   — Kathy J.

February 21, 2003
I started eating it during week 2 - wouldn't have made it through the beginning without it!!
   — jen41766

February 21, 2003
I love tomato soup also, but shortly after I came home from the hospital I tried it and it made me dump. I couldn't figure out why, until I read the label, you just don't relize that sugar is in so many things.
   — Christine B.

February 21, 2003
You can seriously reduce the sugar content if you make the soup from scratch. Just a thought...personally I have done fine on the canned stuff made with milk and added powdered milk for protein.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 24, 2003
I was given creamy tomato soup at the hospital the day after i had my surgery. My diatitian said to always add milk or part milk and water to it to up the protein in it. I havent had a problem with it. I buy campbells tomato soup only. I havent had any dumping from anything yet. I'm on my 5th week post op. good luck, all i can say is try a little and see how you react to it.
   — rachel W.

January 28, 2008
I have eaten tomato soup since my surgery in July, 2007 and have never had any problems with it.
   — Mamash

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