Why do some people say NO to milk in protein shakes?

I have read some people say to make your protein drinks with water, no milk. Why is that? What difference does it make?    — Dana B. (posted on February 19, 2003)

February 19, 2003
The main reason one I would think would be because alot of people after WLS become Lactose Intolerent. I can not drink milk at all without having stomah cramps and dumping.
   — Valerie M.

February 19, 2003
I know my friend's nutritionist preferred the skim milk because then you get the ADDED protein from the milk added to your protein drink, but if you can get that in other ways then using water to mix the drinks are fine.
   — Kerry R.

February 19, 2003
It is my understanding that with a rny we will malabsorb some protein but not by drinking one cup of skim milk you would likely be getting more carbohydrates (11g - in the form of lactose - milk sugar) than protein (8g - which you can't really count all of due to malabsorption)...which may be fine if you really love milk and are not too concerned with your daily intake of carbs. But, simply put...there are better protein choices out there.
   — eaamc

February 19, 2003
I've often wondered about this too. I see many posts from people who say to avoid milk. My clinical nutritionist actually suggested that I drink skim milk as a source of protein. But she doesn't advocate a very low carb diet. She doesn't believe it's healthy, and she prefers we try to eat a balanced diet. Carbs are allowed in moderation, just protein first. I always use skim milk in my protein drinks. There are 20 g of protein in the powder plus the 10 g (I buy a fortified skim) in the milk, there's 30 g of protein in one drink. Half of my daily total.
   — Michele C.

February 19, 2003
Yes, alot of people don't drink milk or advise not to. Personally I need the extra protein from it, and the calcium. I know that it's not the "right" type of calcium, and it has sugar, but i'm 23 yrs. old and need some of the good stuff milk has in it. And some people who don't drink milk have osteoperosis. Milk has alot of sugar in it, as well, so be careful about dumping. But my surgeon suggests drinking a glass or two everyday, and I do. The milk I drink has 11 grams of protein, and i mix it with other protein sources as well. Some post-ops are anti-sugar, so this is why some don't drink it as well, but personally, I think anything with in moderation is okay, as long as protein comes first! So, do what you think is best!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 19, 2003
I say no to ME having milk in my protein shakes for two reasons. One I'm totally lactose intolerent, except for cheese, weird, & Two, there is to much sugar for ME. I take a calcuim citrate supplement for m'bones & the taste of my protein shakes is easier to take without cow's milk. Or soymilk. I'm also keeping my calories between 500-800 a day, or trying to, & the milk is just pointless for me. So, that's my reason! Talk to your doc & ask them what they want you to eat/drink. Follow their directions. Good luck with you!
   — LionGirl2k

February 19, 2003
My dr. group and the nutrtionist associated with them recommend drinking milk regualerly and that is it an ok substitue for a meal . I usually use milk in my protein shakes. It just tastes better.
   — **willow**

February 20, 2003
Dana, I used to do milk with the protein shakes, not anymore .... I'm not lactose intoolerant and love milk, it's just the added calories that I really don't need. And am trying to make wiser choices thses days, so rather then milk, it means a little extra of something else..... Post op 9 months down 124 pounds
   — tannedtigress

February 20, 2003
Because there's more sugar than protein in skim milk. Some folks prefer to avoid unnecessary sugar, or to spend it on a treat they can enjoy more than the protein shake.
   — Suzy C.

February 20, 2003
I went through BTC and they encourage milk and dairy products. They do not allow processed sugar, but do allow natural sugars, which is what milk has.
   — Deborah R.

February 20, 2003
I don't do any milk products because of what my surgeon requires. Also, it does have way too much sugar in it and I, too, have become lactose intolerant. Actually the surgery makes us become lactose intolerant (thus the bloating, nausea, and icky feeling most people get -- and wonder why).
   — trtorrey

February 21, 2003
Me Again! I just remembered where I read it, at it says that only body builders use milk in their protein drinks, to GAIN wieght. I'm at a loss, I like the taste better with milk, and will keep using it, just wondering why it would make us gain???
   — Dana B.

February 21, 2003
I know milk is a controversial issue here. The way I feel is if it is impeding your weight loss, then don't drink it or limit it. If it was a normal day and I am eating my regular meals, then added calories from milk is not bad. If its a special occasion and I will be consuming more calories then usual, then I would use water. My doctor's nutritionist wanted us to mix skim milk in our protein drinks and I did it in the beginning. Gradually, I reduced the skim milk with water until I was just using water. Why? Because I really don't like the taste of milk. The nutrionist wasn't happy, but I assured her I was cutting it out because I didn't like it rather then to limit my calories. Occasionally, I will get a cappucino or skim milk steamer at Starbucks when I have been out all day and feel its time for protein. I never was a big milk drinker and still I got to over 300 pounds.
   — Lisa N M.

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