Anyone have SEVERE bouts with constipation & diaharrea???

Hi All: I am 18 mos post op and down #144, but for the last 5-6 mos, have had problems with either ALOT of constipation or profuse diaharrea. From one extreme to another. This has caused SEVERE external hemmeroids....So Bad that I am having to have them surgically removed next Monday. Has anyone had this problem and does anyone feel that this could be related to the RNY procedure that I had????? Any and all comments are REALLY welcome at this point....    — Joi G. (posted on February 19, 2003)

February 18, 2003
Might be related to the change in your digestive system from RNY but could just be good ole Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Start using fiber supplements. They help with both diahria and constipation as it adds bulk, which you aren't getting much of with the limited food you can eat, and it absorbs water to keep the stool consistency good. Trust me I lived on Metamucil for about 2-3 years till things settled down. Since surgery I had a rotten bout of diahria but now am on a normal schedule, which for me is 2-3 times a day, even though I barely eat much.
   — zoedogcbr

February 20, 2003
My surgeon said that too much fat in the diet will cause diarhhea and not enough liquid would cause the opposite effect. But being so far post op I am suprised that you would just now be having these problems. Have you made any major changes in your diet??
   — cherokey55

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