I have 2 questions. Did anyone take their cpap machine with them to the hospital to

use after surgery? Also, has anyone with Barrett's Esophagus been turned down for surgery, or has anyone with it had WLS? Thanks!    — JoAnn A. (posted on January 28, 2003)

January 28, 2003
You'll need to ask your surgeon about the CPAP. I know of many people whose surgeons told them to bring it, but mine said he absolutely did not want me to use it in the hospital. I think he didn't want the possibility of the air flowing into my new pouch. The other question I can't help you with. Sorry.
   — garw

January 28, 2003
I was told to bring my CPAP to the hospital. As far as air going down into the pouch, unless you are gulping air in your sleep, I don't see how this could happen. The air is going to go down your trachea to your lungs - not down your esophagus to your stomach/pouch - unless you are gulping air in your sleep...JR
   — John Rushton

January 29, 2003
I was told to only bring in my setting for the CPAP and they would have their own for me to use. They had a technician calibrate it for me after I came out of surgery, although I don't remember that happening.
   — Michael N.

January 29, 2003
JoAnn, yes, I took my CPAP machine to the hospital when I had my surgery because my surgeon requested that I bring it. I also was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus in November 2001. Barret's is a serious condition that you don't want to play around with. Now don't get scared on me, I'm just telling you the truth. It WILL NOT prevent you from having the surgery, it didn't for me, however, it would be wise to see a gastroenterologist (stomach doctor) to follow you and ALL of your doctors (PCP, surgeon and the gastroenterologist all have the same information. There are additional things you might want to know. If interested, please contact me. Hang in there, and don't give up!!
   — yourdivaness

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