Will protein supplements alone harm us?
I have asked mnay questions about protein and here is another- I am almost 5 months post-op (and down 100 pounds!)and am still having problems with my protein intake. I am getting nowhere near as much as I should, though I try! I can not tolerate chicken (regardless to how it is cooked), nor pretty much any other meat. I do not like seafood of any kind- even tried some since surgery and still, it makes me sick to smell it. Hamburger meat is ify from day to day, but I can usually handle it as tacos. Really the only meat I can eat on a consistant basis is ham (baked), country ham (fried) or deli turkey. I can also keep down scrambled egg and refried beans usually without incident. I get in cheese and peanut butter each day, but we all know thats not enough. My question is for the time being, can I survive on protein supplements alone for that protein I am not getting? I will continue to try these foods because I know over time I will be able to eat them again. But for now since I am not getting in the protein, will the drinks and/or pills give me all I need? I also need suggestions for supplements on the cheaper side (damn medical bills!!)...Thank you everyone! — karmiausnic (posted on January 28, 2003)
January 27, 2003
Well I am not an expert but I know a lot of people that have not taken any
supplementation, including me. Shakes and other forms all made me very
ill, I have not supplemented my limited protein intake since about 2 months
out. I am sure this is not for everyone, but it worked for me. I did not
loose all my hair, yea it thinned but it is thickening back up. And I know
many people on protein that lost more hair than I.
— smedley200
January 27, 2003
Hi Karen,
Like Tina, I don't supplement my protein either. Although you don't like
seafood and can't tolerate chicken, it still sounds like you are able to
eat quite a bit of protein. If you are eating those things throughout the
day you are probably getting more than you realize. Those are the types
of things that I eat as well. I am down almost 100 pounds now and only 6
months out tomorrow. I know a lot of post-ops supplement the protein but I
am not one of them. I think there a lot of people out there that do the
same, try to get thier protein from the food they eat. Don't beat yourself
up if you can't do the supplements. And if you are worried about how much
protein you are actually taking in, try going to to find out.
It's great at tracking that stuff. Good luck!
— Laurel C.
January 28, 2003
Karen, I think that you get more protein from supplements than you do from
food and that is because of our malabsorption rates. We don't know for
sure how much protein we are absorbing from the food we eat as there are no
definitive studies out there-I had heard a low of 30 percent quoted at one
time. While I do not believe it is that low, we do malabsorb some of the
protein we take in from food, so I think supplements are a great way to
make it up. In your case, since you are having a hard time getting in
enough thru food, supplements are ideal for you. Sorry I can't help you
with whats cheaper-go to a place like GNC and see what's on sale.
— Cindy R.
January 28, 2003
I don't think there is anything wrong with getting as much as you can from
food and then supplementing the rest. Like you said, over time you will be
able to eat more foods. As far as cheaper supplements, I used a couple that
I found tolerable and reasonably priced: MLO Milk & Egg Protein
(unflavored/unsweetened powder you can mix with anything--even soups), EAS
AdvantEdge ready-to-drink (15 grams protein for 8 oz), and CarbSolutions
ready-to-drink (about 20-25 grams protein for 8 oz). I found the MLO at
Albertson's and the other two at Walmart. You might also try protein bars,
especially if you can tolerate some sugar. I have some listed on my
profile. A new one that I have not tried yet but have heard good things
about is the Detour bar (6 g sugar and 35 g protein).
— ctyst
January 28, 2003
Vegetarians don't eat meat at all
and seem to get enough protein. Do the supps and just keep trying stuff til
you can tolerate it. Good luck and God Bless! 19 mos post op and at goal
and supplement w/3 shakes a day.
— Kimberly L.
January 28, 2003
I also don't much care for meat, do not do seafood. I MUST do protein
supps, as it is not optional with my surgeon nor my type of surgery.
However, the whole thing was a big relief to me, since I had to force feed
myself meats before. I do eat meat, every now & then, but my protein
form of choice is chocolate. I have no problem doing it daily, as much as I
want and if I eat meat, and if I absorb any, bonus. If not, oh well, my
needs are more than met supplementally. For 8+ yrs, it HAS been my only
source of protein.
— vitalady
January 28, 2003
I'm sorry you're having trouble tolerating many foods, but I'm sure
eventually it will get better. The head RN of the obesity center where I
had my surgery told me I could just take protein drinks and not even eat if
I didn't want to in the beginning. I am now eating about 1/2 of my protein.
I a 8 months out and still find it very hard to eat alot of protein. I
think my fear is that I will start eating too much at one sitting and I
don't want to do that. And when I eat every 2 hours, I feel like i'm
constantly eating or grazing, but those are just my issues! :) But I don't
think there's anything wrong with it, I would try to get some meat or
cheese or eggs in if you can like you've been doing, i know it can be hard
though. I drink Isopure, isn't the best but is 40grams a protein per 20oz
bottle, and it goes down smoothly. I know you were looking for cheaper,
each bottle is about $3, but if you get a GNC or Vitamin SHoppe card, there
is discounts. I only drink 1/2 a bottle a day, so I figure $3 every 2 days
isn't bad considering how much I would normally spend in food or candy. I
also drink 1-2 glasses of milk a day (1 w/ NSA carnation), I know many
people don't b/c of the sugar content. But I really don't care, I'm only 23
and need the calcium. SO it's great protein if you can tolerate it!
Goodluck to you!
— Lezlie Y.
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