Anybody out there ever have the same fears before they had surgery?

This is a heck of a thing to say, especially right before surgery, but...I was looking at the memorial page a few days ago, and I was looking at all of the people who died and all of sudden I thought..what if I dont wake up from anesthesia or a couple of days later a develop a blood clot and thats it??? I know that the chances of that happening are extremely rare and Im probably silly for thinking that, but I cant help it. Anybody out there ever have the same fears before they had surgery? Just wondering. Thanks!    — Kris T. (posted on January 21, 2003)

January 20, 2003
Hi. I know how you feel. Today I am 8 weeks post-op and can tell you how silly I was before surgery. I typed out letters to my immediate family in case I didn't make it through the surgery. Told everyone what I wanted at my funeral and everything. Not really a positive attitude, huh? But hey, if you are scared and nervous, you are just scared and nervous, right? I was more afraid dying on the table than anything. As far as blood clots were concerned it was recommended for me to get a greenfield filter for some extra insurance fighting bloot clots, so I never really worried about it. But look at how silly I was acting. I am doing just fine. No real complications. I just wanna smack myself for the way I was acting, but I think anyone will tell you it's quite natural to be scared. If you weren't I would wonder about you. lol It's a major surgery and I'm sure the majority of us didn't take the risks litely and felt the same way you did. Good Luck! :)
   — NikkiCarter

January 20, 2003
First, it isn't silly to think that. As a matter of fact, I felt it was very important to understand (and even accept) the risks that might happen. I talked with my husband about it...made sure that he would know what to do if something did happen to me...I made a will, and I let my family know how much I loved them. I think you need to make peace with it, and then go into surgery comfortable with your decision.
   — thekatinthehat

January 20, 2003
April.......if that comment you made saying "first of all it isn't silly" was from what I said you didn't read what I said correctly...I said "I" felt silly. I was not referring to the poster. And after all that worrying I did feel silly. So you can't speak for me only speak for yourself. I spoke only about myself!
   — NikkiCarter

January 20, 2003
First off - everyone has feelings and has different ways to express them. Fear of the unknown is vey frightening but you can't let it paralyze you from changing your life. Knowledge can soothe alot of fear - read about the surgery, talk to others who have had it done and especially your doctor. Then prepare for the outcome - NO ONE plans to die- so think positive of the changes that will be good for you and your family. Make peace with God and go into this surgery with his reassurance that no matter what happens God will guide you. It's suggested that you write your love ones a letter prior to surgery If this makes you feel more at peace, then do it. Nothing we do is silly - it's real to us and that's what really matters. After it's all done you'll look back and say I did alot of extra worrying for nothing- and I'm glad i knew what was going to happen each step so I didn't have to worry as much. May you find peace - May you put your trust in God and may you plan for the future for your success with this tool. Love, Sally
   — Sally P.

January 21, 2003
I was terrified!!! But now it is the best thing I ever did. I went from a 24 to a 4 in the first 6 months. Read my profile it should make you feel better.
   — Linda A.

January 21, 2003
Hi Kris, I think we all did at some point. You know there are risks with this surgery as with any other but the results are totally amazing. I am 5 mths out, down 80+ lbs and doing great. I haven't had any problems at all. Do exactly as your surgeon tells you and you will be fine..Best of luck to you....
   — Sharon1964

January 21, 2003
I thought the same thing as I was drifting away under anesthesia, wondering if I would wake up. I think we all do. Its that lack of control, that you are literally putting your life into someone elses hands (the surgeon). Thats a scary thing. Just try to think positive-the risks are low, and you'll beat those odds, easily...
   — Cindy R.

January 21, 2003
I sooooo was sick of living the way I was by the time I got to have my surgery (it took 14 months with Kaiser). I had already mulled it over and over, and basically turned it over to Him. I said "Lord, you led me here...if you want to take me now, you must have Your reasons". My spiritual house was all in order...either way, I was ready to go. It gave me peace to put it in His hands (as everything really is, after all). Having that peace did not shield me from having tears rolling down my face as the anesthesiologist put the Versed into my IV. I think everyone is scared to some level when the actual moment comes. All I can say is, be ready for this as best you can, and put your trust in your Higher Power. As the previous poster said, the surgical risks in 2003 are really minimal. You can't foretell who's going to get a blood clot, but they do try to minimize that with Heparin post-op and also good pre-op care for those at high risk. It's probably best at this point to not go back and obsessively read the Memorial Page here. I think once is enough for any of us. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 21, 2003
Nikki...I wasn't refering to your answer, the posters questions states "I'm probably silly for thinking that"...I was telling her that it wasn't silly.
   — thekatinthehat

January 21, 2003
I can certainly understand your concerns. I did develope a blood clot after surgery in my left calf. I was bed ridden for 10 days after that and was put on blood thinners. It was scary,I won't say it wasn't but I just wanted you to know that if you do develope a clot there are ways to take care of them. Best of Luck and God Bless you on your WLS journey.
   — Tinca-Thais J.

January 22, 2003
Hi Kris. I too read the memorial page. I guess I was spending too much time doing that and was beginning to get that " I'm gonna chicken-out feeling". But then you have to sit back and realize that you are more at risk of bad things happening to you because of your weight. My daughter has encouraged me to go ahead with this. She said " Mom you could have a stroke or heart attack just sitting here" and I thought about that and she is so right. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholestral, acid reflux and bad arthritis. So like how much of a risk would the surgery be compared to all the complications that are waiting in the wings for me if I don't have this surgery. I too like you and I bet every one who has gone through with this has had exactly the same fears. I am going for my lung eval. and phy. eval. tomorrow and am going straight ahead with this. I wish you lots of luck and a fine recovery. Our lives are about to change and we need to grab onto that and relish it. LOL. Maureen
   — Maureen M.

January 22, 2003
hi there :) i too had alot of the same fears. i did alot of praying, thinking, soul searching. i took a good look at it and i realized that i wasnt really living just merely existing on the couch, depressed and miseable all the time. although i was pretty healthy even at 370 i knew there was no way that would continue and knew that i was at much greater risk for heartattck or stroke and the like that could happen just like that. i decided to take the chance and am glad to say that i did wonderful with it and am living now for the first time in years! i dont regret it at all, its the best gift i could have givin myself. i have been freed from my cage and life is beautiful. i read the memorial page when i was just a few days out and i was an emotional wreck, it reduced me to tears within seconds. it was sad to me that some had died waiting for approval.i said a prayer for all on the page and for those of us amos fam either pre op, post op. the number of people that dont do well with it is actually far less than the number that do great. hang in there your fears are normal. best of luck to you and ill be thinking and praying for you. :)
   — carrie M.

January 22, 2003
   — jan M.

February 20, 2003
2/20/03 I haven't had the surgery yet, and I am scared! But I trust in God which is a comfort, & if it's my time to go, then that's what God wants. I use the same reasoning about flying- it helps tremandously!! I hope you are feeling better. God Bless you! Grace L.
   — Grace loves cats

February 20, 2003
Yep really glad I didnt back out. Saved both me and my wifes life. See profile for pictures. Lost over 230 pounds between the 2 of us.
   — bob-haller

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