Slow Weight loss

I am 10 mo. out have lost 125lbs 30 yet to go. For the last 6 weeks I havent lost anything. Is this normal for 10 mo?    — matt C. (posted on January 20, 2003)

January 20, 2003
My weightloss slowed way down after 6 months and stayed at about a pound every week or two. My nutritionist said up the protein, up the water and work out week of walking a mile a day and eating only meat and salad and i dropped 8 lbs...don't loose faith, loose pounds!
   — Laurie V.

January 20, 2003
I'm almost 9 months out and down 115 pounds. I work out 6 days a week and I do a great job with my water and protein about 95% of the time. I've been losing pretty steadily, with the exception of the last 3 weeks. Not only did I not lose, but I actually gained 4 pounds. Well, after fighting this demon I am happy to say that I have lost those 4 pounds plus 2 more just over the past 5 days. Plateaus are normal and we all know that, but when it actually happens it can be very frustrating. Just make sure that you are exercising and getting all your water and protein and you will see the scale start moving again. Plateaus happen...just be patient and know that it will pass.
   — pam29922

January 20, 2003
I wouldn't panic over it. I am 9 months out, down 146 pounds and hadn't lost anything for over a month then I went away for a few days on business and lost 7 pounds during that 3 day period. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to how the weight comes off. Remember that this is a marathon not a sprint and it will come off in time.
   — Michael N.

January 20, 2003
hi matt! hang in there and keep up the great work! plateus are very common the longer post op you become. as the other posters have said, just up ypur protein, activity and water and keep up the good habits and youll continue to lose. ill plateu and then what seems like overnight, drop 5lbs. best of luck to you! :)
   — carrie M.

January 20, 2003
It was normal for me...I hit a whopper of a plateau at about 9 1/2 months out that continues to this day, and I am at about 11 1/2 months now. I did however gain 3 pounds during this time period and then lost the 3 plus one more, and here I sit. I have tried upping the exercise to 4 days a week from 3, and am trying hard to get in more water and more protein and less snacking. Some days are better than others. Are you getting close to goal? I am 10-15 from goal and hope this plateau moves soon. If it doesn't, I can live with where I am at, but would like to get closer to goal. Try shaking up your exercise routine, adding more water and more protein and cut back on carbs and sugar. See if it works for you...its at this point that we have to "work" to keep the loss going.
   — Cindy R.

January 20, 2003
YES it is normal...I am 8 months and 1 week and for the last 2 months and 1 week I have only lost 20 pounds....Don't get me wrong....I am glad I lost 20 pounds, however when you are used to losing 20+ pounds a month, once it slowes to 5-10 pounds a seems like you are sitting still. I still have 4 month until my 1 year and I am already at my goal of 120 pounds in 1 year....I am doing the happy dance. I still have 46 pounds per the doctor and 25-30 pounds per me to be at my FINAL GOAL. I think we are all right on target.
   — Sharon H.

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