Can I still get WLS surgery?

I saw my cardiologist today for another EKG since the first one at my primary doctors office said abnormal. THis one came back abnormal too and he said it is showing I have had a "silent heart attack". Now I have to have a ultrasound of the heart or a echo of the heart next week. I am afraid I won't be able to have surgery. Will this prevent me from getting WLS?    — cherby56 (posted on January 17, 2003)

January 17, 2003
I have read where folks that have had heart attacks have gotten to have surgery. It most likely will just take a little more time for you in order to go thru some extra testing. Hang in there, good luck!
   — roryleigh

January 17, 2003
Hi Cheryl -- Don't Worry! The cardiologist is there to make sure you survive your surgery. The echo cardiogram is like an ultrasound of your heart to make sure everything is ok. If not, there is medicine that can be given to you to protect your heart during surgery. If you truly are at risk, your cardiologist may be on hand during your surgery just in case. Relax -- you'll be just fine.
   — Jan H.

January 17, 2003
A friend had a silent heart attact that showed up on her EKG--she is now 2 weeks post op and doing well at age 63.
   — barbara A.

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