Hi, everyone. I am 8 weeks post op and have only lost 32 pounds

I would like to ask if anyone else with similar height (5'2" and pre-op weight of 252) lost as slowly as me. I am very discouraged. I olny lost 9 pounds since Dec. 11. I am exercising and eating correctly. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.    — Diana L. (posted on January 6, 2003)

January 6, 2003
Diana, I am pre-op so I can't share my results, but I would like to say I think your doing great. I'm sure it is hard not to compare your self with outhers but try not to. Looking at it from where I am your are doing GREAT!! When else have you ever lost 32 pounds in 8 weeks with such promise of it not coming back on so easy? I wish you luck and great success!! Take care
   — Kim R.

January 6, 2003
Hi Diana, Congrats on your weight loss (32 pounds lost forever!!) I'm 5'3" with a pre-op weight of 240. 8 months later I'm at 140. Please try not to get discouraged. The weight will come off. Everyone loses at a different rate but we end up with the same fantastic weight loss. You're exercising and eating correctly so the weight will come off. Stay away from your scale for awhile. Also, I've lost a bunch in inches. I weigh 140 but I'm wearing a 5/6 so don't be fooled by the scale. How do your clothes fit? A few hints that have helped me a long the way.. Drink plenty of water, don't drink while you eat or right after you eat. You will stay fuller longer. Also, fill up on mostly protein. I always try to eat my protein first. Good luck to you.. you're doing great!
   — Lynn E.

January 6, 2003
Hi I was at exactly the same spot as you. I haven't kept the best record but at 7 weeks I was at 35ish lbs lost. I do update my profile so you can check there too. I beat myself up regularly on this issue, too. I started at 243 and am at 179 now 5 feet 3 inches 7/31 surgery date. I am starting toward the six month mark and petrified that it's all going to stop at this point, even though I don't really think it will. I am going to keep plugging away and try to not compare with the people who are the same size to start and drop 100 lbs in 6 months. I have lost 65 lbs in 5 the 5 months since surgery and Have lost a total of 120 lbs since my biggest of 300lbs. I feel like a new person and thank my lucky stars that this option exists and was available to me. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself and I will succeed at getting to my personal goal of 150. Anything lower will just be a bonus. Maybe it's possible to get to the 135 range but boy that just sounds awfully low to me, so I'm not setting myself up for that one. Good Luck. Your doing great in my book. Think Positive and you'll get there. I
   — pcollin4

January 6, 2003
Diana, I know its difficult but please don't compare yourself with what others are losing. You'll drive yourself nuts as there will ALWAYS be others who lose faster, even if they started out the same height/weight as you. Just follow your pouch rules and it will happen to you at your own pace. If you are eating protein first, drinking lots of water, exercising consistently, low carbs, sugars and fats, not drinking with or right after meals, it will happen for you. Keep in mind that the pouch is just a tool and many of us get "close" to goal and then have to work at it to get there. I started an inch taller than you and 3 pounds lighter and am 10-15 from goal after 11 months. I've accepted that to get there it will take a little work on my part, but thats OK! Don't get discouraged, it will happen for you..
   — Cindy R.

January 6, 2003
Hi I am 6 1/2 weeks post RNY op and I have lost a little more weight than you. I started a 284 with a BMI of 49. I have found it almost impossible to exercise the last few weeks because I am so physically exhausted. I do know that I have not lost anything for the last week and 1/2 and it is depressing. I have felt disappointed although I know I have lost a lot of weight in a short time and so have you. I try to remind myself to not compare myself to others and I bought some cloths that fit and people the last week have really noticed my weight loss. This has made the plateau a little easier to take. I am looking for someone to chat with by e-mail that had surgery around when I did. Please e-mail if you would like to chat. Good luck Cherol
   — Cherol F.

January 6, 2003
That sounds about right. I'm two months post op 5'2 and started out at 288 and I am down 45. My friend who went five days before me was 334 and is down 60. Remember, the smaller you start the slower you loose. But the more likely you are to reach your goals! Keep it up.
   — Melanie N.

January 6, 2003
That sounds about right. I'm two months post op 5'2 and started out at 288 and I am down 45. My friend who went five days before me was 334 and is down 60. Remember, the smaller you start the slower you loose. But the more likely you are to reach your goals! Keep it up.
   — Melanie N.

January 6, 2003
Go easy on yourself....your body will do what it needs to do. 32 pounds in 8 weeks is AMAZING....Have you ever done that before? Before you know it 32 will become 50 and then 75 and so on. I had many, many weeks that I lost 0 and was very discouraged, however, before I knew it I am down 115 pounds. I was at 100 pounds at my 6 month checkup. It has been almost 2 months since then and I have only lost 15 pounds....The doctor told me I would really SLOW down after the 1st 100 pounds....and BOY was he right !! I have lost tons of inches, I think my body and skin is just catching up. But when I look at the big picture....115 pounds in 8 months is beyond my wildest dreams !!! I was hoping to have lost 100 pounds by my 1 year anniversary. Good Luck - Stay off the scales - Ease up on yourself !!!
   — Sharon H.

January 6, 2003
I think we all need to take the words" ONLY LOST" out of our vocabulary when relating how much we have lost. ANY loss is GONE, right ? We do not need to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others either: our bodies will do what they do, and we are each unique, so comparisons are meaningless. Besides, we didn't get this way overnight, and it will not go away overnight either. Be patient with yourself, and love your body for being "itself". I am being more patient with my body, and am very happy with my 42 pound loss in 3 months. I know that there are those that have lost more, but they aren't me !
   — Nancy T.

January 6, 2003
Hey Lynn, See! Look at all of these POSITIVE answers! You are doing great even though slow is frustrating. It is like I was saying 4 pounds a week is your average, and when I was dieting my butt off I was lucky to see 2 pounds a week. You are doing great. Keep your chin up. I will try to too! I am really tired of getting on 3 week long plateaus myself! LOL We will make it through! We will reacch our goals~ Keep the faith!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 6, 2003
Please throw away your scale. Weigh only at your Doctors.
   — Karen R.

January 6, 2003
i am 5 1/2 months post-op and "have only" lost 70 lbs and 32 1/2 inches. slow? maybe, but that is lbs and inches i never would have lost on my own. i was about where ur at at 8 weeks. the weight will come off. please feel free to go look at my profile on here under amanda mercer. i post every time i have a loss so u can see where i was at 8 weeks. give i time, it will work for u
   — amanda W.

January 6, 2003
hi, i'm simmilar to you and a little discouraged to . i started at 319 at 5'3" and last week was my eight week mark i lost a grand total of 38lbs. i say let's just hang in there we'll do it! slow and steady can win this race! take care. open distal rny 11/12 -38lbs
   — kimberly T.

January 6, 2003
Ask your doctor, what he expects to see you lose each month. Mine looks for 10-15 lbs per month.
   — barbara A.

January 7, 2003
First off congrats on losing 32 pounds! Wonderful! Now I'd like to throw in my 2cents :>) I've been reading your profile and I think that part of the problem (IF you have any problem at all) might be attributed to your fear of eating due to the stricture you fought with...and the fact that you had a stricture in the first place. When food is TOO restricted and you're not getting in enough your body fights giving up it's stored fat. Go ahead and try and enjoy your vegetables cooked very well at first and you don't have to take tiny bites if you make sure that everything is cut or mushed well before it hits your mouth. I hate the tiny bite issue what I do is cut up what would be a decent sized bite into tiny ones, scoop it onto a spoon and enjoy. Anyway, just thought I'd mention that the stricture probably slowed you down, but once that's all taken care of you should start moving along. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 7, 2003
I've got similar stats to you, girl. I'm 5'4, started at 259, and as of 8 weeks out I'd lost about 35. I'm a little over 11 weeks out now, and down 44. It will happen. Have faith! And try to have a different approach to are 32 pounds down! You look great, I'm sure.
   — Tamara K.

January 7, 2003
I am a lightweight, too. I am about 9 weeks post op and down 40 lbs. Here are some things to keep in mind: If you are exercising, you may be burning fat and building muscle, and muscle is denser than fat, so you may be building muscle as you lose, making the net loss look like less. I have heard that if you lose slower, chances are your skin has time to bounce back better as you lose. Another thing I do, and it works for me - is to weigh every day. ( I have a digital scale). Yep - every day! I graph my weight and I average my weight at the end of the week. I can also see trends. I will stay at the same weight sometimes for more than a week, then drop 4 lbs in 2 days. So, when I am stuck on a weight, I know that I have proof that I will go down in a few days, so I don't worry as long as I eat right and exercise. You are doing fine!
   — koogy

February 18, 2003
Hey.. Sounds like me.. A Lot.. I'm 8 weeks post op and I have lost 33 lbs. I was 252 lbs pre-op.. now, 219 lbs. I know that I don't exercise.. I'm 27, I should be able to do this.. I need to get a grip and work out more.. I started to do Richard Simmons tapes.. I stopped those as soon as I started!! So, I think that may be an issue for me. (I hate exercising!) But... I guess I need to bite the bullet and get it together..

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