7 days post-op & when I walk I get these sharp piercing burning pains in my legs
7 days post-op & when I walk I get these sharp piercing burning pains in my legs. It started out in my upper thighs front and back at times. Now its in my right lower leg/top foot area. this pain is sharp and burning as if somone took a very small pc. of nerve or muscle and all at once pulled it apart really fast it Hurts! and is worse then anyother pain I have. If anyone knows what this is PLEASE let me know? — Arnold J. (posted on December 27, 2002)
December 27, 2002
Hi Arnold! I had this same problem. Mine hurt pretty bad too. My doctor
told me that it is just pinched nerves. It will go away! My pain went away
in about a month. I still get a small jolt of pain in my right thigh once
in awhile, but nothing like it was before. The only time you should be
worried is if you have pain in one area and the area is hot and swollen.
That is signs that you may have a blood clot.
— fropunka
December 27, 2002
Hi Arnold,
I had the same thing. Actually started in the hospital with my lower back
sort of aching and being swollen. There was also numbness in my left
thigh. Then it started to burn and hurt. The last phase was ITCHING!. Get
some sort of cream in preparation for that part.
It was nerves that had been pinched from being flat on my back so long
during surgery. It was completely cleared up with a month.
— Maureen R.
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