How long to wait after TT to get pregnant?

   — Ali M (posted on December 18, 2002)

December 18, 2002
Alison, First, I would ask the surgeon what he/she recommends. There are people who've had TT then had children. Also, maybe you would consider waiting to have TT until you've had your children? I don't know how or even if that would work for you. 2003 isn't that far away and if you start having at least your first child then you'll have all that excess skin taken care of. Again, don't know if that's an option for you but I'd definetly talk with the Dr. Best wishes and continued success
   — Linda M.

December 18, 2002
Hi Allison! I asked my surgeon, and he said no way would he recommend doing a TT before pregnancy. I had my first pre-WLS, so didn't stretch too much. I'm now pregnant with #2, and happy to say that in comparing bellies with other "normal" sized women, who had children and "stretched", my little extra skin pouch ain't that bad. I'd hate to spend the time/$$$ having a TT done and then have a child, possibly messing it up. For the amount of time/$$$ it's worth, to me, it's better to have my children then have it done, if I do. I don't know if this answers your question, but I do hope it's helped a bit! =) Sarah
   — Sarah C.

December 18, 2002
good question again as someone else had asked this seems like there is alot of waiting involved if you have a tt you would have to wait so long before having a kid or if you have a kid you will have to wait so long for a tt..i realize the logical thing would be to wait to have a tt after having children but what if you dont have children and perhaps you want to have a couple and have them a few years a part then you have to carry all this extra skin around for many years before having a tt..i feel like i have so much skin its actually haltering my size i hate it ... im soo tossed between the tt and children thing its driving me crazy lol.....would love to hear from others i do have a friend who had a baby after her tt she had him about 2 yrs after..she is fine has a little pooch but no complaints from her so i guess all is ok...
   — Deanna Wise

December 19, 2002
If I were going to have another child sometime years down the rode, I would consider going ahead and having a tuck done. But, if I were going to do it right away like the summer of 2003, I would definitly wait.
   — cindy Q.

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