Does it always take so long to get scheduled for info session?

I have finally decided to choose the tool to help me lose weight before I die. My info session is not until March Does it always take this long just to get the info. This does not even mean I will see the DR. My other question is I have had bowel surgery and cannot get my old post op records as it was in 1988 and they do not keep themWill this discqualify me from surgery???????????    — andrearnc (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
If by bowel surgery you mean the colon or large intestine that should not be a problem unless you had a large section removed or something. Then I do not know if it will be a problem. All of the bypass work is done on the small intestine. Even if you had quite a few feet of small intestine removed it probably will be okay. If the surgery was related to cancer then I'm sure they will require quite a few tests to be sure you are free of cancer before doing the surgery. You would not want your body to have to be fighting cancer when it is in a severely nutritionally restricted state. Only the surgeon can totally answer your questions. I don't think that the records not being available will be a problem especially if you have had no other problems since then. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

December 17, 2002
Oh by the way I totally sympathize on the waiting. It's totally insane. I've been a slight pain and pushed hard and have been able to get things moving faster but still not fast enough for me. I just want to get the info to the insurance so I can find out if they are going to jerk me around for a while or just give in right away.
   — zoedogcbr

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