Where are all the young post-ops?

I'm 20 years old and I'm heading towards an RNY surgery. I would like to hear more from and see more pictures of the women around my age that are having or have had the surgery. Your experience could help me with mine.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on December 3, 2002)

December 2, 2002
Hi. I'm 22 and 3 months post-op and doing fabulously! I also have tons of info in my profile, so go on ahead and check it out. A link to my pictures is on there as well, Feel free to email away at [email protected] and I'd be more than happy to help you out. I had the open RNY procedure and don't regret it at all!! I started at 338 and am down 68#'s to 270. The energy I have even now is nuts! I'm at a lower weight than what I was my senior year in high school. Good luck to you and as I said, please feel free to email away! Always happy to help! HUGS
   — Christie N.

December 2, 2002
I'm 22 and will be having surgery in less than 2 weeks, so no pictures yet. I do have a community on MSN for WLS patients 16-25. It never quite got off the ground, but there are a quite a few members (48 at last count). I'd be willing to give manager status to someone that thinks they can get it going again. Just let me know.<br>
   — Toni C.

December 2, 2002
I was 23 when I had surgery last year. I am 15 months post-op now. I have a few pics of me up and my stats as well. Good luck to you and feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions.
   — Lucky Gal U.

December 2, 2002
Hey there. I had an open RNY on 9/25/02 and can honestly say even though it was hard at the beginning, it was well worth it! Please read my profile and if you have any questions please feel free to email me anytime. I'm 23 and I've been to hell and back with several health problems, but I haven't felt this good in YEARS!
   — Rachel W.

December 3, 2002
I'm 24 and I am 7 weeks post op of the open rny. I am getting sick alot. Mainly, I have to get sick because my food won't go down. I think because of a few reasons. One I am eating too fast, two I am eating to big of a bite and three it is the type of food I may be eating. I am not currently an advocate for having it done but I am losing alot of weight. The first week alone I lost 30 pounds. I'll be weighed again in two weeks with the total. Getting sick is harder on me now because I am back at work. Still, I am living the pay off for my pain. Every day I put my pants on it feels a little loser. I hope the best for you! Keep in mind your body will never be the same-but your mind (your desire for the amount of food) doesn't change. I can't believe the little food I am working on each day. gotta go.
   — brian T.

December 3, 2002
i am 20 years old. i had my surgery on 9/25/02. i am 5'4" and i started out weighing 257...i now weight 217...I am still pretty early out in my post op life but i would do it has been harder than i expected but im a lot biggest issues were sickness after eating and sinuses got really bad this fall and i got sick a lot but now im on medicine and it's a lot problem with getting sick after eating was because i wasn't chewing enough before i swallowed...this surgery was probably the best thing i have ever done for myself... feel free to email me if you wanna talk.
   — Becca P.

December 3, 2002
I am 22 years old. I had my surgery almost 3 months ago, on 9/16/02. I started at 283 and I have lost 50 pounds so far, weighing in at 233. I have had absolutely no complications. I don't dump, and I can eat anything I want, in moderation. I would highly suggest this surgery to anyone who is MO. I think we are lucky to have this surgery young, because we can enjoy the things we didn't get to enjoy when we were in high school etc... I don't have pix up yet, but I will after I lose a little more weight. Feel free to e-mail me if you have an questions or if you need support/advice. Good luck and God Bless!
   — nchaudoin

December 3, 2002
Hi! I am 21 and I had my surgery on Aug. 8th 2002. I have lost 83 pounds, and I have had no problems. Feel free to email me anytime! :o)
   — fropunka

December 3, 2002
Hey there! I'm 25 and I had LAP RNY on Sept. 16th of this year. My surgeon said I was doing the right thing instead of waiting until later in life when complications of obesity really had a hold on me. I hope everything goes well for you!
   — Jamie H.

December 3, 2002
Hey Tricia. I am 3.5 months post op and have lost 86 lbs last I knew. I havent weighed myself in almost 3 weeks. I refuse to get a scale in my home. So I just weigh in when I go see my nutritionist. I will tell you this...I feel GREAT. Not a day goes by where a coworker doesnt compliment me, or a friend or family member. I am fitting clothes I havent fit in forever. My social life has really sky rocketed...cant keep the fellas away! lol. Just be grateful of the new life you are going to start. Email me anytime!
   — Shavonne P.

December 3, 2002
I am 21 yrs old. I had surgery 7/8/02 starting weight 262 and 5'9. Today, i am right around 175-180! I am half the person i was, and look it too!! This side is so awesome. I haven't really had any problems which is awesom. Unfortunately i don't have any pictures :( sorry! Good luck to you!
   — Sunny4x4chick

December 3, 2002
Hello, I am 22 years old. I am 7 months post-op (April 30, 2002) and have lost 132 pounds and 62.5 inches. This surgery was the best thing I've ever done!
   — Kelly M.

December 3, 2002
Hi! I'm 20 years old and had my surgery on 9-23-02. I have not had any type of complication and am down about 53lbs so far. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or just need a friend to talk to. God bless! [email protected] Please put some reference to AMOS or WLS in the subject line if you email me. Thanks!
   — Rebekah A.

December 3, 2002
I am 3.5 weeks post op and 20 years old from PA. I have had no problems at all! If you need anything please feel free to email me! sandra
   — sandrac131

December 3, 2002
Hello, I would just like to say I am another young one who is having surgery on 12/26/02. I am 20 years old and very anxious for surgery. If you could e-mail me any information about pre-op and post-op I woud really appreciate it, my e-mail is [email protected]
   — Stacey D.

December 3, 2002
Hi! I am 21 years old and will be 12 weeks post op on Monday. I have lost 62 pounds so far! I have pictures on if you want to look at them. If you ever have any questions, or just want to, you can email me at [email protected]. Good Luck!!! <3 Chrissy
   — Christine C.

December 3, 2002
The first thing I want to scream at you is DON'T have this surgery but I understand this is a very personal decision and it is one you will have to soul search to figure out. I'm 26 years old and completely regret having this surgery. I know when I was researching this surgery I was painted a very pretty picture of all the weight loss, never being hungry, always active and the like. I did know of the risks but they were never stressed to me how likely they are to happen. I'll be 4 months post op on the 8th and I've been nothing but sick. I hope if you do have this surgery you have no complications and sickness. I just want you to know problems ARE possible and more than not likely. But also have to say one person's pain is not anothers. I've never been depressed in my life I've always had food to stuff down my emotions and feelings. After surgery I didn't have my food anymore. I went into a very deep depression and had several thoughts of killing myself. I've been hospitalized for internal bleeding, vitamin defiency, & dehydration. My esophogus closed up and had to have it dilated. I'm B-12 & folate deficient. I'm having tremors and other neurological problems. And that's WITH taking all of my vitamins. I still having trouble getting all of my water in and don't eat near as much as I should. I'm not trying to scare you because I know there are tons of people that do this surgery w/o having any problems. I just want you to know there is a dark side to this. I have lost 121 pounds in 4 months which is also contributing to my problems but I started at a very high weight. I've rambled on enough. Just make sure you have tried everything before resorting to this. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. I do have pics up and will post an updated pic in the next week if you want to see. Good luck and God Bless! :)
   — Diana L.

December 3, 2002
I'm 20 and had my surgery on 7-11-02. I'm almost 5 months post-op now and haven't had any complications!! *Knock on wood* My world has completely changed since July. My family and friends say I'm like a different person. I have a great new job that I never would have been able to do physically before. I have a lot more self confidence now. As I look back now, the pain (which was not as bad as I expected it to be) and not eating and everything were completely worth it! I'm glad that I have my whole life ahead of me!!!
   — Tanya B.

December 4, 2002
I'm 28 and had lap RNY on 10/11/02. I understand that each person has their own experience, but honestly, I have not had a single complication. I work with several women who have all had WLS, and are in their late 30's to early 50's. They have all had longer recovery times, as well as complications. I've never once thought, "Oh why did I do this?" Instead, I look at it as having more and greater opportunities for the rest of my life. I think that being younger gives you the advantage of more resilience to this kind of a medical change. If you are sincere about this surgery, and feel that it is right for you, be sure to take the time to do thorough research and truly prepare for the surgery- physically and emotionally. It's a big step, but definitely a rewarding one.
   — Rebekah B.

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