my psychologist told me he will clear me for wls but............

He had 2 requirements 1 that my father moves out before I have surgery (b/c) He is verbably abusive and he is moving out Dec. so he said thats good and taking care of and the other 1 being that I get help either through him or someone for anxiety disorder I have panic attacks to go places by myself So he told me he knows I am a good candidate for surgery but wants me to work on the panic attacks and he is going to put that in the approval letter so I am seeing him Nov.11 and the surgeons office told me everything looks good but I need to have psych. clearence so she told me when I GO MON. TO HIS APPT. to let hiom know I need his clearance and if he could dictate that I am seeing him for panic disorder she said if he dont clear me then I have to go through seeing another psych. MY question is is if anyone has any advise on what I can tell my psych. on Mon. sorry so long...Any advise is greatly appreciated thank you ....Ps I asked my pych. to put approval letter on hold until I see him Mon.. he was in process of finishing it...    — Kelliann S. (posted on November 4, 2002)

November 4, 2002
Dr Friday who approves all of my surgeons groups patients says the desire to not go out is common in the MO. Appears to be a embarased of our body image. He futher reports most post ops loose this problem and enjoy a normal active life. So dont fret it will get better.
   — bob-haller

November 5, 2002
Hi there, I too have panic disorder and have to agree with the previous poster, it does get better. I am only 6 weeks post and am down -59 lbs, and it has made a difference! I go for walks outside, I take my husband or my niece with me, but I go. 1 yr. ago, I would've never went out. I still take meds for Panic disorder, but at my last appt. with my shrink, he said he was so impressed that I even go for walks that in a few months he may begin to taper me off the meds. Just tell the shrink you'll begin treatment with him and stick to it. It will calm down as time goes and the weight comes off. Vi
   — Vi F.

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