how exactly do you define

what exactly is aftercare. My doctor said to see him after 4 months, and see the nutritionist every two weeks. According to what I've read, there seems to be alot more. Please help, I want to get the best possible care during this drastic life change, thanks in advance Heather    — heather H. (posted on November 4, 2002)

November 4, 2002
heather, your dtr should be seeing you ALOT more than that. It really irritates me when I hear about the aftercare some people get on this site. When I picked my dtr, I picked him b/c of who he was, his reputation and his follow-up care. Dr Leitman will be part of my life forever. I guess I am just spolied, I see my dtr alot (he doesn't even charge for follow-up appointments). I also email him whenever I have a problem and also see him 1X per month when he hosts the support group. I sawy him at 1wk after surgery, 2 wks, 1 month, 2 months, 4months, 6months, etc. I see the nutrionist once a month but that is by choice. He doesn't require this. I just think it is helpful! Good Luck!
   — heathercross

November 4, 2002
I live in Tucson, AZ and my surgeon is in Phoenix (a 2 hour drive). I saw him 10 days post-op, then every month for the first six months. After that it changed to every 3 months. I'm 15 months post-op and will see him again in Dec. After that I believe it will be every 6 months to one year. For the first year the nutritionist called me every week to see how I was doing and I now can still contact her any time I have a question. My surgeon required my husband and I to attend a full day's seminar prior to surgery and that went into great detail about aftercare. In addition I received a detailed diet and exercise plan to follow. My first post-op bloodwork was ordered @ 3 months post-op.
   — LLinderman

November 4, 2002
Personally, I didn't want a doctor who held my hand unless I had complications. If you are complication free, my surgeon sees you at 2 weeks, 3 months and one year. Of course you CAN go in more often, but it's not required. I also prefer my own nutritionist over his dietician and that was no problem for either of us. It depends on what you want - choose who will suit your medical needs best!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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