OK, I have yet another question about post-op menstruation

I have asked many questions before, but I have yet another one. I had surgery June 12th and had my period at the normal time a week later. Then, I had none for 3 months. Finally, in September, it came normally again. Now, I did not get it in October again (4 days late). Anyone else experience this? The doc told me once it came back on its own, it should stay normal. I never had a problem before surgery being regular either. Any ideas?    — emilyfink (posted on October 29, 2002)

October 29, 2002
I think we can be off wack after the surgery. For me pre op I would have a period 3 or 4 times a year IF that. Now after losing 104 pounds in the past 5 months I am like clock work. I dont think I like it. lol I think things will straighten themselves out, it just takes some time. ~CM~
   — Sassy M.

October 29, 2002
hi there. i have pcos so periods had always been eratic for me anyhow. but for some weird reason months before surgery they went to normal and all was ok. i had my period before surgery but then got it a few days after which from what i heard is normal because the trauma of the surgery and due to estrogen levels during rapid weight loss are cycles are effected. well everything was ok all went back to normal very fast execept now i started spotting only 1 week after my period and havent stopped, my cousin had surgery 1 month after me and is going through the same thing so it must be common. best of luck to you. :)
   — carrie M.

October 29, 2002
I was ALmost menopausal before surgery perios evey 4-6 mos. since surgery in aug it's been flood(and I do mean flood) city evey 4 weeks beginnign the week after surgery. I was told be others in my support group that this woudl straighten out after a few months. I hope so. I was looking forward to getting new smaller underwear that would never get stained! guess I'll have to wait for a while! :)
   — Amy G.

October 29, 2002
Prior to surgery I had a period every month...but one month it would be VERY light and last about three days - mostly spotting. Then the next month it would be VERY heavy and last for 5 to 7 days. Went back and forth like this. Now since surgery (July 22, 2002) I've had one every month, starting two weeks after surgery and each has been mostly heavy and lasted a full 7 days. UGH!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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