mvp and weight loss?

Has anyone else had alot of symptoms with mitral valve prolapse, such as alot of chest pain and has wls help reduce these symyoms after loosing some weight. I also have what they call a myo carial bridge can anyone else tell me their experience after surgery.    — dave B. (posted on October 25, 2002)

October 25, 2002
Hi, at one year out, I can tell you my chest pains that were an every day occurene are gone. The only pains I have now are muscular from where I went from a 46DD down to about a 32-34 C. BIG difference and my boobs now sag and pull my chest wall. Hope to have surgery to correct this, but just wanted to tell you there is a light at the end of the dark and dreary tunnel. I was in and out of hospitals over my heart many times. Now, I am happy, healthy and in control of my life for the first time ever........
   — TONYA B.

October 25, 2002
Hi dave I have an in-larged atrium muscles which cause me to have high blood pressure plus I have a hital hernia where it pushes my stomach into my chest cavitie they suggested to lose 10% to help me befor my operation. I have gastric reflux disease which causes horrible chest pains and yes I have diffently experienced less pains. By the way am having surgery 04-nov-2002
   — sheri B.

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