Post Op- Dr. has restricted my liquids

to water, grape juice and protein drinks. I am already cheating! What exactly does a liquid diet consist of after rny? I would like to know because I believe my doctor to be crazy. I had open rny 10/15/02. I went to post op visit today and doctor told me I could start my protein drinks today, but my diet was limited to grape juice, protein drinks, and water. I still have an appetite, and I don't see this working. I have already cheated. Last night my mom made red beans and rice. The smell lit up the entire house for hours. I wound up putting it in the blender with some water and it came out the consistancy of baby food. I tasted it and waited an hour then i had 0.5 oz of it. That was more than 24 hours ago and i didn't have any problem. My doctor checked my drain for food at the appt and there was none, but I didn't tell him I had had food. He then told me if I ate anything but juice, protien drink, or water I would die. He didn't say that literally but that was the gist of what he did say. I am confused. I know someone who had the same surgery and come home eating soft foods. I read many posts, questions, ect here and on a liquid diet post ops are allowed, cream of wheat, sf jello, sf popcicles, yogurt, and similar foods. I see failure in my future from lack of variety. I have been regreting my decision since i opened my eyes in recovery (I know it will change later). I was not even the slightest bit excited when i was told I had lost 11 pounds in the six days. I am not normally a pessimistic person and my family is very supportive (my mother just about killed me when she saw me with the beans!). I just don't want to keep cheating for the next three weeks. Please no high horse lectures, I am aware this is a tool and I should follow my doctors orders. These are my honest feelings. I believe I was not as mentally prepared as I thought, but it's too late now. It's sink or swim time!    — ravenprevia (posted on October 21, 2002)

October 21, 2002
Gosh, NO FUN. My doc said I could have Jello, soup, crystal light, any juice I wanted, popcicles,...... It was tolerable because of the variety...What you weren't prepared for was a mean doctor!
   — Debby M.

October 21, 2002
I can see protein & water, if it's real protein, not Ensure or somethign like that. But GRAPE JUICE? Look at the sugar g in that! Wow, that would make me RAVENOUS to get that much sugar in my day. I loved grape juice, but that is one that is expressly forbidden by my docs. Sigh. We're on clear liquids for 4 weeks, then graduate to soft (no puree). I can sympathize with you with so little variety. We had the option of hot broth, V-8 hot or cold, s/f popsicles, Crystal Light (about 900 flavors!), and other sugar free juices. I love my protein, so it was not torturous for me. Gave me a chance to break some of my bad habits, too.
   — vitalady

October 21, 2002
I don't want to be the one to tell you not to follow docs orders but I honestly don't see the harm in adding a couple of things to his list. I don't think SF jello or SF popsicles or clear broth or maybe even caffeine free herbal tea with a little Equal is going to destroy your docs plan. It is ultimately up to you though. I think you could at least try to run these options by your surgeon and see what his reaction will be. You never know, maybe he will give you the "go ahead" on them all and leave you with more variety and no guilt in the process. I will warn you though. For me the liquid diet was the hardest part about the whole surgery , for the simple fact that I was hungry for the entire 2 weeks of being on the liquid diet. I HATED IT! But I was also bound and determined for this "last chance" tool to work for me so I followed it. It was really hard but worth it. And once I got through it I knew that there was no stopping me then! Good luck!
   — Laurel C.

October 21, 2002
ORIGNAL POSTER HERE. There is no specific reason to the grape juice to my knowledge. His staff brought myself and my hospital roomate (also his patient who had the same procedure) minute maid cranberry grape juice to drink. After they left my roomate and I commented on the sugar grams, 38 of them to be exact. We were both under the impression that we weren't allowed any sugar. Neither of us are/were diabetic. My doctor's post op literature for the post op diet for this time clearly allows for sf jello, sf popcicles, yogurt, and cottage cheese, but verbally he has told me and the other patient to only have grape or cran-grape, protein drink and water, that's it and nothing else. Neither of us has had any complications. I take that back, I had a sorbet in the hospital and I ate too muck of it, I had three ounces, but my pouch was not able to hold it and it sat there like lead until it passed. Now I quit eating the hospital food and now measure everything I put into my mouth. The container for the sorbet was not a measured one. So I don't know. I snuck and had some jello tonight, I felt so guilty after two bites I gave the rest to my three year old. Then I was scared I had blocked my pouch with it and I was going to die! So I have decided to follow his instructions exactly. It will be hard, but I knew this WHOLE lifestyle would be hard, this is just the begining.
   — ravenprevia

October 21, 2002
This may not be very helpful but i read on someone website that a glass of grape juice a day was good for you for some nutritional value.
   — deniece M.

October 22, 2002
I had my open RNY on 8/15/02 and I came home on solid foods. Still kicking and I feel good so don't worry to much. I think i have lost about 50 pounds too so it's not all bad. I would still try to do what your surgeon says though as best you can. This liquid diet won't last forever. I didn't have a drain either. I have read so many posts of people talking about there drains it makes me wonder why I didn't have one. I'm doing fine so I guess it doesn't matter. I worry about going against Dr.'s orders because maybe different ones do something a litle differently inside. You can get through it. Prayer helps. Carrie
   — Carrie D.

October 22, 2002
I think your doctor is very severe. I see no need to such restrictions. I am 3 weeks post-op and I can just eat about anything I want----though I avoid sweets, breads and those high-carb foods. I'm like the previous poster..I'm not one to encourage you to ignore your doctor...but in this case, I think you should. Best of everything to you.
   — Karen K.

October 22, 2002
I am 2 weeks post-op and just started soft foods. My doctor kept me on liquids for two weeks. He explained that this allowed my new pouch to heal and all the swelling to go down. It was extremely hard! I am now allowed soft foods such as cottage cheese, yogurt, applesauce, etc. I know every doctor is different but I trusted what mine said.
   — Susan H.

October 22, 2002
Tynisha--no worries-you pureed the beans so that is fine. I think most of us have that inside panic button that we will fail cos most of us always have but have faith--read a lot of the posts and ask any questions that you have. My surgeon basically told me that the first two weeks were liquids and pureed food and then graduate onto soft foods and at 6 weeks anything--just to make sure I go high protein low carb and watch the sugars. No carbonated beverages and no fried foods. In my first few weeks I stuck to sugar free pudding and jello, blue bunny healthy smart ice cream (chocolate swirl and chocolate), and cheese cos I couldn't tolerate the protein drinks or mashed potatoes at first. Now I can eat mashed potatoes. It will get easier as you get used to what you can tolerate. Good luck!
   — Bambi C.

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