What do I do now that I can't pig out?

I keep thinking of that full, satisfied feeling after pigging out on a pizza, or a bunch of fried Chinese food. How do I get that satisfied feeling without pigging out? I'm really missing the food. :-(    — Angie M. (posted on October 11, 2002)

October 11, 2002
Guess I don't understand why you aren't getting that full feeling now. You are supposed to eat until you are comfortably full - not over-full, but you shouldn't be hungry after a meal either. I eat pretty much what I want (trying to get in protein first - usually) and find that I'm full after a small amount. I can eat almost half a can of spaghettios when I am feeling that need for comfort food - or a package of instant oatmeal. I guess I'd just suggest eating a bit more at your meals if your not getting full.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 12, 2002
How long ago did you have your procedure? A year ago, when I was just newly post-op, I felt REALLY full after a few bites. When you are somewhat longer post-op, you can eat a bit more. These days, a "normal" portion is still way too much for me. Is it the food you are missing, or the eating?
   — Marjorie B.

October 12, 2002
Exercise, walk, hike, ride a bike, read a book, join a support group, drink a ton of water to make you feel full, drink a ton of Crystal Lite to help you feel full, find a hobby...the list goes on! The head hunger is the hardest part of the process, you don't know how many times I have wanted to eat a whole anything but the throwing up and major discomfort that goes with overeating is enough of a deterrance! Try to focus on other things!
   — jenn2002

October 12, 2002
I know what you mean, I think it is more of a mental thing. When I use to go to Outback steak house, we would get a half an order of the Cheese fries (for the kids, Right;) and an appetizer for us, wings or crabcakes, then a steak dinner with the salad and veggies, once in awhile a potatoe in place of the veggies. When I went after surgery one time I ate a few cheese fries and a few bites of salad and could not eat anything else, although my pouch was full, I felt ripped off that I could not have everything else that I wanted. Now If we go out to eat there, I may have 1 or 2 cheese fries and 1 or 2 bites of salad, and litterally 1-3 bites fo the steak and then I bring home everything else, for another meal.It is an expensive few bites, but I decided that feeling deprived was bad for me and my eating, so I just have what I want, just a little of each. I do not feel deprived that way. Oh, I cannot eat pizza anymore! I do not miss it that much, I had chinese one night and thought I would die...maybe too much sugar content, I don;t know, but WOW...
   — Patricia R.

October 12, 2002
I think everyone here can relate to your problem. I miss food, too. I miss carbs the most. I have found that when I get the urge to munch, I drink some water. I have to drink almost a full bottle before it kicks in and I am not hungry anymore, but it is worth it in the long run. We have to drink so much water throughout the day and if it curbs my appetite in the process, then it is an added bonus! I work at home so it is really hard not to go to the kitchen and munch all day like I used to. And when I go out to eat, I ask them to bring me a to go box and a small plate right off the bat so when I get my food, I can put part of it away before I eat so I don't overeat. I have to do some drastic things while I am still learning the rules of food. Hope this helps!
   — sammygirlwpc

October 14, 2002
On my 4 week post-op follow up I was really missing food and really missing the quantity of food. I promise it does go away. My Dr. put me on Xanax for a month and now, at 10 months post-op the amount does not bother me at all. After surgery pigging out no longer has that same pay off. Now, pigging out causes my to become nauseus and miserable. I am 100 lbs lighter and would rather go shopping than out to eat!!
   — Aimee P.

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