Has anyone's OBGYN put them on Provera (progesterone)?

I had surgery 6/12, my period came normal on 6/17. I haven't had one since. Home PG tests are negative. I just went to the OB and she wants me to take Provera to bring on a period. ANyone ever do this? Are there any side effects? She is also testing all my hormone levels and doing a blood PG test just in case. Any help appreciated! PS. I was always normal and on time before surgery.    — emilyfink (posted on September 24, 2002)

September 24, 2002
the shock to the body of surgery is enough to throw anyone's cycle off kilter for a while. Also a low fat diet will do the same thing.
   — Darlene P.

September 24, 2002
Hi Emily. You won't have anything to worry about. Provera doesn't have any side effects, atleast it didn't for me. And I have been on it many times. Depending on the dosage she gives you, you should just have a normal cycle. Good luck.
   — Regina S.

September 24, 2002
i was on provera many many years ago. i don't recall having any side effects from it. your body has been through a major ordeal, give it a few months but be very careful and use birth control.
   — candymom64

September 24, 2002
My OB/GYN put me on 5 days of provera to jump start my period (have PCOS, no periods for almost 4 years), I didn't have any side effects from the provera, but that first period was a doozy, lots of bleeding and lots of cramps. I don't know if that was because of the provera or because I was making up for so many years of not having to deal with all that "good" stuff.
   — Kristen S.

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