Could Iron Pill be Causing BLACK Stools?
Sorry to be gross, but yesterday and today I noticed I had black stools. The color of my iron pill. I just had surgery a week and 3 days ago. The consistency of the stool is normal and I have no pain. Just wondering if this is normal after taking iron pills or if this is related to something else. Thanks in advance for your feedback. — MoLyn (posted on September 22, 2002)
September 22, 2002
Yes But keep an eye on it because a black tarry looking stool is a sign of
bleeding inside. The black from iron is a dull grayish black. I know this
sounds gross but you need to know.
— Cynthia M.
September 22, 2002
Yes, yes and yes!!! I have been anemic since my first child was born 6yrs
ago and have been on iron since then. It will start to ease up in color
when you get used to it. I also had surgery three wks ago - good luck!!
— Maria C.
September 22, 2002
Which iron are you taking?
— vitalady
September 22, 2002
It's ok to ask us... but you REALLY SHOULD ASK YOUR DOCTOR!
Iron may do this (it has'nt to me though). But if you are bleeding, your
wasting precious time! This is one thing you should'nt be waiting around
for a answer from us. Please SEE your doc! They can get a stool sample to
find out for SURE. Best of luck.
— Danmark
September 23, 2002
<b>The iron pill I'm taking is Ferrous Sulfate.</b>
— MoLyn
September 23, 2002
Yes, absolutely, iron supplements can give you black stools.
— Patricia E.
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