Can anyone eat fast food?

Are there any fast food restaurants that people can use? Is anyone able to have french fries or anything?    — Carolyn K. (posted on September 15, 2002)

September 14, 2002
There *are* some healthy choices that one can make at a fast-food place. You can get a grilled chicken sandwich at Wendy's, remove the roll and cut the chicken in half (or thirds even). You can have Wendy's chili. I have one or two of my kids' fries sometimes, but a whole helping of fries, NO. There are plenty of bad choices at the fast food places too and these are to be avoided. JR (open RNY 7/17 -74 lbs).
   — John Rushton

September 15, 2002
Why would you want to????????
   — Angie M.

September 15, 2002
I am 9 1/2 months post-op and haven't touched french fries. That is one of the foods my surgeon is adamant about us not eating - there is absolutely NO food value in them - all grease and salt. I DO eat Wendy's chili, beans and cheese from Taco Bell and Wendy's Mandarin chicken salad. The salad makes three meals if I supplement the protein by adding more chicken. I do use a small amount of the dressing but not much as it is very high in sugar. I have also tried the bacon, lettuce and tomato chicken salad from Wendy's but I prefer the other one. As far as the chili is concerned, my surgeon recommended it and the beans from Taco Bell when I was on soft foods. Both are HIGH in protein. I stay away from McDonalds all together. Same with Burger King. Right now I am suffering (and I do mean suffering) with an abcessed tooth and all I have eaten in 5 days is mashed potatoes and gravy from Grandy's (a fried chicken fast-food place) and yogurt. Not the healthiest diet in the world, but about all I can eat because I don't have to chew it at all. Believe me, I'll be glad to get back to chewing meat.
   — Patty_Butler

September 15, 2002
With three kids, McDonald's is sometimes unavoidable but I am lucky enough to be able to eat salad with no problem...their chicken caesar salad in the shaker cups go down well for me. In our area McDonald's also has chicken fajita's on their $1.00 menu and those are small and very tasty. I realize that the chicken fajita is not the *best* choice I could make, but I am human...and it is better than the quarter pounder with cheese, super-sized fry, chocolate shake, apple pie meal I used to get. And yeah...usually if my husband is with us, he and I will split a medium fry...if not, my sons always "donate" a couple of fries to Mommy. 11/16/01, -115#'s, @goal. ~CAE~
   — Mustang

September 15, 2002
Hi there, I notices you also posted questions regarding..eating chips and syrup, and now fast foods...I also saw that you had an RNY on 8-17-02....I really do not usually tell people what to do...But I would STRONGLY suggest learning more about your surgery. At one month out you should MAYBE just be beginning solids..not fast foods and chips and pancakes. Did your surgeon give you ANY kind of Post-op plan to follow? Are you starting on Vitamins? What have you been eating? I am 9 months out RNY/Distal and down 98lbs, and I am in no way a poster child for perfect eating.....I eat whatever I want...within reason. I know some people can avoid some foods all together, that was my "diet" deny myself a food meant I WOULD want it and crave it until I totally pigged out on it and ruined my "diet" attempt. SO that is why I will have a FEW fries once in a while..and so on. If your Doctor did not give you a plan to follow, I would be happy to share my doctors info about food choices. It is really easy..Protein, veggies, water then if you have room carbs.Of course do not drink with your meals. Anyway, if you want some info contact me..You have been given a great tool, we can all help you make the best of it! [email protected]
   — Patricia R.

September 15, 2002
I like Wendys chili and chicken nuggets I also order a baked potatoe with broc and cheese now and then. McD's chicken nuggets or the fish sammy and I take off the top bun and eat about 1/2 of the bottom bun with the fish. Toco bell I like the nacho supreme,or chicken or beef taco. BK I like the BK fish again no top bun and only 1/2 the bottom. BUT I have to say my favorite take out food is Arbys. I get the roast beef and add horsey sauce and OMG low fat delish high protein and soooo YUMMY. I have had afew of my kids fries but I have to say they really taste GROSS to me. I dont think we need to sweat eating out but I do think we need to use our heads and make the best choice avalible to us. I am 16 weeks out and have lost 87 pounds. Finding what agrees with you can be a real chore and just because you were able to eat it today doesnt mean you wont puke it up tomorrow. Its a huge learning process. Best of Luck!!~
   — Sassy M.

September 15, 2002
I had some fast food the other day.. a veggie burger at BK, no roll or anything.. and I sure as hell wished I hadn't. It was a terrible choice.. fatty and full of carbs. I looked at the grilled chicken and it seems to me.. or all choices in a fast food place.. its the only sensible one.. at least when you're in the losing mode.. I think maintenance would be different... but in the end, Its probably better to just avoid fast food.. at least for me.. the temptations are too great.
   — Lisa C.

September 15, 2002
I only eat salads and wendy's chili. I do sneak 2-3 french fries from my son every now and then I have to admit, but not many of them.
   — Vicki L.

September 15, 2002
You are around a month out. Actually I did have some french fries around that time. However, I hope you will wait until at least eight weeks. You really need AT LEAT eight weeks for your pouch to heal. After that, go with someone to Mc Donalds or where ever. Let them order some fries and then eat "a few". I found that just a few satisfes. As far as what one poster said "why would you want to?" That sounds pretty self righteous, however I know how easy it is to come across sounding like an a## when you really are'nt. But why should you have to avoid fast food? I get filled so quick that I don't worry about it. And I don't do it alot. Heck one Rodeo cheeseburger is quite filling. I use to eat 3- 3 1/2 of them! Most of the fast food I get is a deli balonia sandwich (LOADED WITH VEGGIES) at Subway for $1.00 But I'm certainly not going to avoid fast foods if I want them! As others have said, you CAN make WISE desicions. But even if you don't, an occasional bad choice is'nt going to hurt anything. Yet wait until your pouch is healed.
   — Danmark

September 15, 2002
Fast food wise, I like Taco Bell's taco's, beef and bean burritos, refried beans, Wendy's chicken salad, taco salad and chili and Burger Kings Chicken Whopper Jr. I can't eat a whole one of any of these (usually get 3 meals out of the salads!) and I can't eat all the bread or tortilla either. I have tried fries but they don't taste the same to me anymore. They taste way too greasy. But I'm happy to say that these foods just don't really appeal to me anymore. I only get them if I happen to be with people who are going there.
   — Leah H.

September 15, 2002
I never really get the craving for it anymore but I can eat almost a whole McDonalds hamburger and a few fries before I've had enough. I know we're not supposed to be eating these types of things anymore but I believe that anything once in a while is ok. The only fast food that I eat regularly is Wendy's chili, which I think is awesome.
   — Michael N.

September 15, 2002
Gee like most I can eat anything. I dont eat a lot oif fast food, but dont deny myself anything. It just leads to craving and binges. Chili is good and a good choice, I like a occasional mc chicken. At just over a year its a full meal with a few fries. One of my first solid foods was a fry, as I was ending the clear liquid phase.
   — bob-haller

September 15, 2002
I used to be a fast food Queen pre-op. Post-op, I waited a good 3 months before I even stepped foot in a fast food restaurant, and was delighted to discover that the food just didn't taste the same. Today at 7 months post-op, I will stop at Subway and make 2 meals out of a 6 inch meat sub (with top layer of bread removed), and I also like to get the tender roast sandwich at KFC (again 2 meals), or even just order 1 chicken breast and remove the skin. I have tried BK junior chicken whopper and the regular junior cheese whopper but truthfully they don't taste good anymore. I have had a few fries on occasion from someone else's plate and they still taste great, so really have to watch myself there! In the back of my mind, I remember what got me into trouble in the first place and don't want to repeat it. So since you are just 1 month out, take your time and give yourself time to heal. The fast food places are not going anywhere, they'll be there when your ready.
   — Cindy R.

September 15, 2002
   — NANCY H.

September 15, 2002
I keep seeing people post that the Pintos & Cheese from Taco Bell are such a great source of protein. I don't see it. <p> One serving of P&C at 4.5 oz is probably too big for the newer post-ops. There are 8g of fat and 18g of carbs in that 4.5 oz serving and only 9g of protein. If you are eating to get your protein (and not supplementing with shakes), then you need to take in 20g of protein/meal if you eat 3 meals a day or 10g/meal if you eat 6 small meals (as my nutritionist recommends). If you are only eating 1/2 of the P&C, you are only getting in 4.5g of protein for that meal...JR (open RNY 07/17 -74 lbs)
   — John Rushton

September 15, 2002
Most places have excellent salads these days. Wendy's has one that is TO DIE! Unfortunately, I don't get to sit & eat if I'm out, gotta eat & drive, so one-handed stuff for me. However, for the first 2 years, I could not even LOOK at fast food of any kind. The thought grossed me out utterly. Took me 5 yrs to like pizza enough for 1 piece. I like fries, so a few now & then, but they tend to be bulky. If I want something else, I need to limit the fries. Twice in 8 yrs I've ordered JUST a small fries. I do 4 "feedings" a day. One is likely to be very small, like carrots (which I LIKE), and the others "normal" food. I get my protein via shakes & my main vitamins via pills, so I'm not eating for nutrition (except the greens & grains), but because I take vites when I eat and eat when I take vites. No vites, no eat.
   — vitalady

September 16, 2002
Wendy's - Chili, salad, baked potatoes Arby's - Chicken Fingers, Roast Beef, Boston Market - Picking your own sides makes it easy and a lot less fat than some fast food McDonalds - salad, fruit and yogurt parfait And sometimes I even sneak some fries too.
   — Linda A.

September 16, 2002
You know, it's kinda funny. I CAN eat the fast food but I don't really LIKE it any more. We went to Disney and the first hamburger I had was good. I was really hungry and it was, like, a REALLY GOOD burger! But the next time we went to eat I didn't want another burger. I ate it because that's what they had and that's what my daughter wanted (we split the meals) but I didn't eat much of it and I sure didn't enjoy it. I was eating purely for fuel. Sometimes I think I want to eat out and can't find anything that sounds appetizing so I end up at home eating a peanut butter sandwich or a bowl of cereal. When I do eat fast food I like Chick-Fil-A nuggets, Wendy's chili, a taco from Taco Bell, or a cheese personal pan pizza (I prefer the thin crust but you can't always get those). I don't like fast food salads cuz I have doubts about their freshness and I don't like to eat salad dressing any more.
   — ctyst

September 16, 2002

   — lilmskitty

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