What helped slow down your hair loss?

Yes, I know this has been asked a billion times and I checked the library, but I want to find out more up-to-date info. I'm not overly concerned about the hair loss, but I would like to go ahead and pick up something that you all seem to find that works. My hair is somewhat thin and shoulder length. I also color it if that matters. I would mainly like to hear from those who are over this part of post-op life and feel confident about that med (and/or shampoo) you used. Thank you in advance!!    — karmiausnic (posted on September 14, 2002)

September 13, 2002
Some people swear by Biotin, which comes in supplements of 300-5000 mg/pill or capsule. Others claim Nioxin, a hair product brand, really helps. In any event, the hair growth resumes after several months.
   — Marti R.

September 13, 2002
Ahh the reaL SOLUTION....... Time. It always grows back! There are no bald post ops. Whatever someone is doing when it begins to improve is given credit for the improvement. Just relax, it will get better.
   — bob-haller

September 13, 2002
Once it starts I really don't think anything will slow it down but time. I started taking 2400mg of Biotin daily when I started losing my hair and it didn't slow it down at all. I lost hair for 3 solid months. Then all of a sudden it stopped. Now it is growing back nicely. I still take the biotin cause I think my hair looks so much more healthy.
   — Kim B.

September 13, 2002
I have been losing my hair for the past 3's slowing down now and hopefully is nearing the end. I usually have a lot of hair, but because it's so fine, it doesn't appear thick. My hairstylist noticed how much I've lost and suggested Nioxin shampoo which is medicated and is supposed to help circulation in the scalp. I can't afford it, so he told me to lie on my bed with my head over the edge, take a brush and massage my scalp once a day, that will help with circulation. I also take Hair, Skin & Nails vitamins plus Ultra Nourishair from GNC. I just don't think it's something many of us can prevent, and there really isn't a scientific explanation as to why it happens. My doctor said it's something that puzzles WLS doctors, and they are really trying to figure it out. It's not necessarily related to malabsorbtion, either. A friend of mine went on a crash diet a few years ago, lost a lot of weight and also lost a lot of hair, so it's related more to the weight loss than it is to the surgery. In my opinion, it's been a very small price to pay for losing 75 pounds! Good luck to you!!
   — LaRayne H.

September 14, 2002
i to lost hair, notice i didnt just say it thinned... i LOST alot, bout had a heart attack at how much, i went to my dr, and whined, please help .... had blood drawn, found out i was low with some of my vitamins, began b12 shots, worked like a dream!!!!!! my hair has come back and looks great,,
   — stacey S.

September 14, 2002
ZINC supplements!
   — Rebecca T.

September 14, 2002
I am pre-op, but I went to a seminar the other night and the WLS surgeons there said that their patients have said increased protein helped. He suggested that we follow the post-op instructions to eat protein 1st. If we eat the right amount of protein, then hopefully we will never have any hairloss, or very little.
   — Sherry Y.

September 14, 2002
Original poster here...Thanks for all of the comments. I know that no matter what I do, hair loss will happen, I was jut wondering if anyone had found something that helped. Hey, I could handle looking like I had the mange if it meant losing my big ol' butt!!! *lol*
   — karmiausnic

September 14, 2002
Horsetail Rush
   — Lynne K.

September 14, 2002
I have a friend who starting taking GNC Hair and Nails before surgery and never lost 1 hair. I have been losing for about 4 weeks now....I have alot of hair so I am not really worried, but, I am losing 3 times the amount I normally do. I have starting using Nioxin Shampoo and starting eating more protein. That seems to help. I also color my hair, but I have tried not to for as long as possible. I also try not to wash and dry it everyday. Good Luck
   — Sharon H.

September 14, 2002
I'm still a pre-op but I have been taking hair and nail vits that I got from Wal-Mart for the last 2 months. I asked my surgeon at a support group meeting about hair loss because I have very fine, thin hair. He told me that if I was going to lose it, it was going to happen but he said that it can not hurt to start and keep taking the vits now. He also said to start taking in more protein now also. I will post if it helped me or not. Good luck to you!
   — Siddy I.

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