has anyone's surgeon prescribed sleeping pill for them

I am having such a hard time sleeping and wonder if anyone's doctor has prescribed sleeping pills. If so, which ones...thanks    — barbara A. (posted on September 6, 2002)

September 5, 2002
Hi Barbara, I read your profile, and it looks like we're very close in age. I'll be 50 in a couple of weeks, and I'm menopausal. I blame that for my sleeplessness, but that's just a guess. I was taking Tylenol PM, then that kind of stopped working, so my doc prescribed Ambien. It knocks you out pretty much right away, but the problem is it lasts for only about 5 hours, then I'm awake again. Because my problem was never getting to sleep, but staying asleep, I'm at a loss as to what to do also. Good luck, and I hope we can both eventually get some much needed rest.
   — Leslie F.

September 5, 2002
During my big loss phase I had trouble sleeping. As a matter of fact I sleep less down 130 pounds than I did pre op. But now I sleep well, but maybe 7 hours or a bit less. Immediately post op I got little sleep. I dont like taking pills and toughed it out. Eventually it went away. Much better after 2 months. I think my mind was in overdrive considering all the changes occuring to me. It wasnt pleasant but didsnt last.
   — bob-haller

September 5, 2002
Hi, im about 9 months post op, and i am having alot of trouble falling asleep, i average 3-4 hours a night, my dr prescribed benedryl for me, it worked the first couple of times i took it, but not its not working anymore, she said if it doesnt work she would give me ambien, but im scared to take it because she said some people become addicted to it.
   — tracy G.

September 6, 2002
Early post op (till about 4 months) I couldn't sleep. She gave me Restoril 30 mg :)
   — Lynda T.

September 6, 2002
I used to take Ambien (10mg) prior to surgery when I had trouble sleeping and I have had a heck of a time sleeping my first 3 wks post-op. I was given Ambien again in the hospital and spoke to my dtr this am and he ok'd it now post-op. the pill is SO wouldn't have a problem taking it and I have had no side effects. Good Luck.
   — heathercross

September 6, 2002
I take 50-100 mg of Trazodone per night. It's a low dose of an antidepressant that has the side effect of lulling you gently into sleep. I swear by it, because it's not addictive and not sedating (at least for me). And it's safe to take with most other antidepressants (Wellbutrin, Zoloft, Celexa, Prozac, etc.)
   — Patricia E.

September 6, 2002
Hi there! I was put on Ambien (10 mg I think) because I was having trouble sleeping. This started about 6 months post op-I just have SO much energy I can't seem to relax enough to get into sleep mode. I love Ambien, which I take as needed, however I have found many times-including last night-I do things after I take it that I don't remember the next day. Last night, for example, I laid down for bed and took my pill-about 30 minutes later (after falling asleep) I got up and ate a huge bowl of Grape Nuts cereal (like what I used to eat) and then got nautious because I ate too much but I only know this because I was told I got up ate them and then was complaining I was sick. Sure enough, there was an empty bowl in the sink but I don't remember it at all. I also have had entire conversations with people and don't remember it-which is why the label says Take Only while in Bed because it works fast!! Best of luck!
   — Alli B.

September 6, 2002
OMG I take Ambien 10mg too and I also have don't remember what I have done. I started to go and eat everything in sight if I didn't go to bed right away so I have my husband watch me so I don't eat it's pretty funny.(I call it my husbands date rape drug) I never remember half the time. Well anyway I do sleep great and I have had a problem sleeping since day 1.I get at least 8 hours of sleep and I feel well rested not groggy when I wake up. I asked my PCP for something to help me sleep because my surgeon said he doesn't perscribe sleeping pills. Good Luck getting some sleep. I hope I gave you a good laugh!!!
   — Bonnie S.

September 6, 2002
My surgeon gave me RESTORIL.
   — Kim B.

September 8, 2002
I am pre-op, but was diagnosed during my sleep study with insomnia. So, my doctor (after begging) placed me on Ambein. It's is truly a wonderful drug, but I will agree with the others that it will make you do things that you don't remember. I took Ambein about 8 years ago and my daughter who was six at the time slept with me. One particular night I took my Ambein and while we laid in bed talking....she said I grabbed her around her neck playing and said "aren't you glad you're a can of chicken noodle soup"!! She said she knew I was playing, but she said I had choked her. Scarey part....I had no idea that I had done this to her and the funny part....where in the world did chicken noodle soup come Anyway, I would suggest when you take it, to take it and then go to bed. You can read or watch tv. I prefer to watch tv and shortly after I'm in dream land. For me it only last about 4-5 hours, but that's better than no sleep at all. Again, I would suggest being in bed right after you take Ambein. At least that's worked for me....I don't think I've done any crazy things
   — LISA O.

September 8, 2002
I took Ambien one time and it will be the one year postop I took the ambien and hallucinated! The pictures of my children moved, kind of shuffled their heads, my face became like a stone bronze statue when I looked at myself in the mirror, and as I was going to sleep, there were sounds of birds flapping overhead but it was just the ceiling was fascinating and also more Ambien for me EVER!
   — Carolyn G.

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