Am 3 wks post-op TT. Is SO MUCH drainage normal?

My incision looked great but now I have to wear a sanitary pad over it to catch all the drainage. Yellowish, slimy discharge (SORRY!)Doc says it's normal but it freaks me out?? Anyone else have this?????Barb    — domedome (posted on September 5, 2002)

September 4, 2002
I'm 4 weeks post-op tt and never had any yellow discharge. Mine was all red. My incision healed fairly quickly so once my drains were pulled at 2 weeks, I didn't have any open areas for drainage to occur. There was some fluid still in there though and that backed up and caused a seroma (fluid under the skin). The doctor had to take a needle and put it numerous places in my stomach and suck out the excess fluid. I guess if I had my problem or yours, I would take yours. The needle hurt when put in certain areas. I'm just hoping he doesn't have to do it again. Once your incision starts to close up more, the drainage will stop.
   — Patty H.

September 5, 2002
I had this with my Open RNY. I drained heavily for about a month, beginning about ten days post-op. I practically owned a stake in Johnson & JOhnson with all the surgical dresings and adhesive tape I bought to soak it up. It was gross, annoying as all hell, and just not what I needed at the time. But, yes, it was normal. It's dead, dissolved fatty tissue escaping. Lovely, huh? Best wishes with your TT, I bet when all is said and done you'll look fab!
   — PaulaM

September 5, 2002
Wow, that does sound weird? And your doctor really is OK with this? My drains went from having some blood in it to an almost clearish fluid. My last drains came out at 3 weeks and I was done draining. Even when I got a skin infection on my back left hip along the incision line the fluid draining looked more like a really light colored tea color. Is your skin around your incision red & shiny? If so and you're having yellow drainage I'd bet 100 / 1 that its infected. Maybe you need a second opinion? I'd be freaked too!
   — Shelly S.

September 5, 2002
I am 4 weeks post op and mine JUST now stopped draining. I had some that was yellowish and slimy lookinga nd then I had some that was bloody and just nasty. Everything has healed up nicely now. My best advice is to put a warm compress on it( it seems to draw the fluid out ) and keep it banadaged. I know its annoying. It will get better though :)
   — Esther W.

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