Do stretch marks disappear when you get to goal weight?

I had WLS May 7, 2002. I'm 20 years old and so far I've lost 70 pounds. I have stretch marks on my arms, upper legs, and stomach. Once I reach my goal weight, will the stretch marks just go away? Is there some kind of product I should use to help them fade? Any post ops had them completely go away to the point that you can't tell they were ever there? Or is there some kind of skin therapy I should try? Any advise would be great. Thanks.    — Sarah K. (posted on August 26, 2002)

August 25, 2002
Sorry Sarah, their yours for life. And actually they are more obvious on me now than before. Mine faded to match my skin color, so they are not obvious in that way. But once the balloon is deflated, its kinda like a little wrinkle in the balloon. lol
   — RebeccaP

August 25, 2002
Yeah, I think mine are more noticeable. I do believe that the 'nips' and 'tucks' of plastics removes some of that though. Hey, just an added note, my cellulite is gone!
   — Cheri M.

August 25, 2002
don't waste your money on products that promise to make stretch marks go away..nothing can make that is actually the under layer of skin that has been stretched too far and there is nothing that can be done..just something we have to live with
   — paula B.

August 25, 2002
They won't go away, but mine looked really bad when I was losing and after reaching goal. Now that I have been the same size for a while they don't look nearly as wrinkly and gross. Either that or I have gotten used to them! :)
   — ctyst

August 25, 2002
I wish!
   — Terissa R.

August 26, 2002
I haven't had the surgery yet, but I can tell you of one treatment that I used after losing weight a long time ago that worked for me. This is going to sound aboslutely crazy but hemroid creame heals wounds. It also works on stretch marks. Now it didn't rid of them all but it got rid of a lot of them. I use today and I don't have as many as a lot of people my size. This woman told me about it and it worked. Its not a miracle but will help them not be so noticeable. I laughed and said whatever when she told me about it, but it did help.
   — Robin T.

August 26, 2002
I'm 25, had surgery last year and have lost 127lbs, with 18 to goal. My stretch marks are still here but seem to have gotten a lot less noticable. I haven't used anything on them . I noticed mine disappearing around the -70lb loss mark so maybe you will see some change in yours soon.
   — Rachel M.

August 26, 2002
I wish they did. It would make a HUGE difference in the way my upper arms would loo after cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately, once there, they don't go away unless you have them cut away with plastic surgery (I lost a lot of them with my tt). My plastic surgeon and I just talked about this today when I told him that my upper arms look like a sharpei because of the stretch marks.
   — Patty H.

August 26, 2002
No, they do not disappear
   — Cathy J.

August 26, 2002
I will show whats eft of my scars to anyone. My wife and friends agree, my stretch marks look like a roadmap to nowhere... Small price to pay for getting healthy. I will add that at age 12 or so ER docs looked at me close wondering if I were a abused kid because I had so many marks. They finally agreed they were stretch marks and recommended weight loss:( Well I finally did as instructed!
   — bob-haller

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