Gaining weight 5 weeks post-op- Why?
I had surgery July 12,2002 and have lost 27 pounds as of my fifth week. Now I have weighed and I have gained 2 pounds this week. Why? I am having great difficulty in keeping anything down. the last week it has only been half a cup of soup@ a time and a couple glasses of OJ. EVERYTHING else comes up. I have called my dr. and I keep missing him I am just discouraged. any suggestions?? — Lynne K. (posted on August 21, 2002)
August 21, 2002
Hi Lynne,
Sorry that you are having such a hard time!! DEfinately keep trying your
doc, he needs to address this issue!!!
— Vicki L.
August 21, 2002
I gain a few pounds almost every month, the week before or sometimes the
week of my period. Then right after it, I lose that plus some. I was
shocked the first time this happened to me, in quite a panic. There is
probably a post in the Q&A library from me somewhere. If this is not
the case with you, I still would try to relax a bit anyway.
Some people lose weight this way, (after the first few weeks): they
float around a number from the scale for a while, going up a few, then down
a few, then up again, then WHAMMY! They lose a big chunk. Then the cycle
repeats. It wouldn't hurt to let your doctor know though. I called my
doctor the first time I gained 4 pound. I was in a state of frenzy! Now I
am 4 1/2 months post and down 76 pounds. And still losing! Good luck!
— A. S.
August 21, 2002
Well I agree with the first post...With me its the same
I can go up and down during the prior weeks or weeks after
I have my period and then things really start going down.
I wouldn't worry too much but if your really concerned keep
trying your doc....Good Luck and God Bless
— Nellie S.
August 21, 2002
I had the same problem! Initially, all I could keep down were fluids. My
weight was going UP, but I could not keep any solids down. Then, I began
having difficulty keeping fluids down. That's when my weight started to
drop, but slowly. My surgeon was out of town and the docs around here
assumed I wasn't aggressively trying to eat. Whyen I began vomiting saliva,
I knew I was in deep trouble. A section of my intestine from my anastamosis
down had sealed completely shut. Do not let your surgeon's office put you
off! When you vomit, you can also severely deplete your potassium,
magnesium, and a host of other electrolytes. Please keep at your surgeon's
office until you are dealt with today.
— NicoleG
August 22, 2002
— DeeDee B.
August 23, 2002
Do NOT let your Dr.'s office ignore you, tell them you have all the classic
signs of a severe stricture and are at a huge risk of dehydration. At 5+
weeks you should be able to be eating some solid foods, since you can
barely keep down liquids, it really sounds like you might have a stricture
(shrinking of the stoma). This is a very serious problem, and can ONLY be
treated medically. Please call and don't take no for an answer.
— Heather K.
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