surgeon poked my incision, now I have to pack it!

Waaaaaaaaa!!!! I have never thought of myself as a woosy or a weakling but I confess - I CANNOT DO THIS! And my boyfriend is no help. Poor guy turned white as a ghost when I asked him if he thought he could do it for me! I had a small seroma I guess, the doc poked it, snipped it I believe (too chicken to look, I just know he had scissors LOL). Now it looks like I have a small bullet hole in me. And I have to take a Q-tip and shove this long stringy gauze in there 2 times a day, possibly for weeks?!?! Anyone else have a problem when told to do this? I know I've read where other people had a visiting nurse come twice a day to pack a wound? I feel like such a sissy, it's not a big wound. What's wrong with me? Help! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -45lbs.    — Anna L. (posted on August 8, 2002)

August 8, 2002
I also had this problem but mine opened up when they removed the staples. later another section opened up. I also had to have the incision packed but the doctor ordered a nurse to come and do this for me. I later found out that they can issue an order for a nurse but your insurance has to okay it and then okay the number of times a nurse can come out to see you. I was originally scheduled to have a nurse come out twice a day but then my insuarance would only approve a once a day visit. It all depends on how big the opening was. THe first opening of mine was about 4-1/2 inches long, 2-1/2 inches wide and very deep (all the way to the abdominal wall). The second opening was about 3 inches long, 2 inches wide and almost just as deep. Mine took about 2 months to heal and I only had nursing visits for the first month. After I got used to seeing the holes myself, it got easier to deal with especially if you use a wall mirror. Good luck.
   — MonicaR

August 8, 2002
Anna - depending on your insurance, I would check into seeing if a home-health nurse can come to the house to do your work. You are not a sissy - I had some complications after surgery and I didn't want to mess around with my wounds because of infection. If you are scared, this will probably only inhibit you from doing a complete job. Home-health was my saving grace!!
   — Carrie B.

August 8, 2002
This kind of thing happened to me one time too! I had abdominal surgery 4 yrs ago and it opened up about 2 days later. The wound was approximately 6 inches X 4 inches and deep enough to easily fit your fist in it. I was newly divorced and had two very squeamish teenagers at home so the PS ordered home health care 2x a day for 2 months. The gauze that I was packed with was dipped in a prescription acidic saline solution first and it helped heal it up pretty fast, considering how large the wound was. If you pack it yourself, be very careful to use sterile objects around your wound and watch it for changes. You don't need it to get infected now, for sure. Good luck to you.
   — thumpiez

August 8, 2002
Hi. Even those of us with the strongest of stomachs may not be able to pack a wound on our own body. Try to get a visiting nurse or nurse's aide, but also look in the phone book under Wound Care and see if there is a clinic or Doc nearby that provides that service. One good cleaning/packing a day would be better than a not-so-good job twice per day. Good luck!!
   — Rebecca T.

August 8, 2002
Thank you all so much for the reassurance. Rebecca, I like your idea and agree that it probably will be best to have it done right once a day than not-so-right 2x a day. In fact, I e-mailed the surgeon's nurse and asked her to please try to set it up for me. (I live over an hour from the office). I wasn't able to shove much of the gauze in there today. Also, I noticed that it's not very blood-soaked, kinda clear with a bit of blood. Is that good? Perhaps means not a lot to drain? It's the iodine-treated gauze, which is supposed to draw the stuff out. Or maybe since I didn't get as much gauze in, it isn't working? Thanks again everyone (((HUGS))) - Anna
   — Anna L.

August 8, 2002
Hi again Anna! I'm glad that you found my suggestion helpful and hope that you find someone nearby to help you. You DO want that wound packed- packing is not only to absorb any drainage but to let the wound heal from the inside out. It would be bad if the outer part started closing while the inside didn't!The Doc would probably have to poke it and snip it again and you definitely don't want that! Take good care of yourself!
   — Rebecca T.

August 9, 2002
girlfiend, there is nothing wrong with you... it is gross and nasty. Not to mention our tummies are topsy turvy after surgery anyway. I do not have any suggestions other than keep your mind somewhere else when doing it. When I had to do some nasty crap like that I just thought about something very occupying mentally. It helped...a little :) I feel your pain my dear... wish I could help more, take care :)
   — smedley200

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