Success with Independent Medical Review?

Help! I've been denied twice by my ins. company for panniculectomy along with my hernia repair. I'm now in the process of completing paperwork for an independent medical review. Has anyone had success with this? Any suggestions would be appreciated!    — Karen G. (posted on August 3, 2002)

August 3, 2002
I'm sorry to hear that you are having insurance problems. It makes me so mad that the cost of insurance is so high, but the majority of the time you have to fight them tooth and nail just to get your coverage. I've personally never done it, but I've heard that if you contact the head person and reason with him/her you may just get somewhere. But to be perfectly honest, sometimes you have to play hard ball. If I where you I'd appeal again in your hearing. If you still don't have any luck, then it's time to call your congressman. Or can we say 'discrimination'? Oh, here's a few words that insurance companies don't like: Better Business Bureau. Fight back. If there is nothing in writing saying they don't cover what you need, then you have a fighting chance. There sould be some good information in the library of this site that can help you. There are many who have gone to battle with their insurance companies. Best of luck to you.
   — Sarah K.

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