Diet pills containing Ephedra any more dangerous for postie

Does anyone know if the effect of the use of Ephedra diet pills used to speed up the metabolism are any more serious if post-rny? I used Mega Diet Caps pre-surgery and I remember them working (when I actually used them), and even though I'm doing everything right lately, my body has just stalled. I was thinking of taking them again, but didn't know about the absorption and whether there is anything to worry about. I know the biggest problem (ie. stroke, myoc. infarctions, etc.) that occur with this are because of overdose. Thanks.    — Tracy L. (posted on July 26, 2002)

July 26, 2002
I guess I must provide more information. I have lost 190 pounds with my surgery, but at 13 months post op and another 50 pounds to go before reconstruction, my metabolism has let me down. When I say I'm doing everything right, I really mean EVERYTHING. I drink 120 ounces of water a day. I exercise TWO times a day. One of them for a half hour, and the other for an hour. And I eat very well (eg. protein cake for breakfast, turkey sandwich on wheat for lunch, 6 oz. steak for dinner, protein cake for snack. I'm getting enough calories, enough protein, very low carbs. And it's just not working. My metabolism is truly screwed up. If I get upset and cheat for a few days (ie. with cookies or kettle corn binges) I turn around and lose a pound. It makes absolutely no sense. So I'd just like to get my metabolism moving faster, and these pills worked before. Thank you for any other input.
   — Tracy L.

July 26, 2002
When you hit a plateau you should try to be patient and let your body adjust. I hit mine and was tired all the time, that was my body telling me to take it easy. I did take one ephedra pill (the GNC brand) in the morning before my morning workout and my plateau broke. I don't buy into these, "someone took ephedra and dropped dead" stories. While I'm sure that some cases of that exist. The vast majority of those who had side effects took TOO MUCH, did not exercise, and/or did not eat. Please talk you doctor first. I've used it in very mild dosages(20 mg or less a day) and I am active. A good doctor will want to do an EKG, stress test, and have you wear a 24 hour heart monitor just to clear you. Mine did and if yours doesn't then I say find another doctor. In the end, listen to your doc NO MATTER WHAT. If he or she says no then that's what you should do. Also, listen to your body. If some of the people who've had problems would've done that perhaps they wouldn't have had any problems. I don't think ephedra is the evil monster that the lawyers and sensational media have made it out to be. Just be careful no matter what.
   — George B.

July 26, 2002
Wow Marni, take a chill pill! Her question is legitimate. I take a Metabolite once in awhile just because I need it for the energy boost. I dont notice any side effects but I do not think they should be used after wls. I don't have a lot of information to back me up on this but I think "they" are finding ephedra is causing too many side effects. Err on the side of your health.
   — Mary G.

July 26, 2002
Tracy, I am where you are almost. I have 30 more pounds to goal. I take the some herbal diet pills that have the mua huang in them--the natural form of Ephreda. I dont take them everyday, in fact maybe once or twice a week. I still do everything I am supposed too, but just like you, if I cheat at all that's when I lose a pound or two. Doesnt make sense. Anyway there are a lot of people on this site that will flame you for wanting to take diet pills. Some doctors prescribe them to help get the last few pounds off. Just listen to your body, be very careful, and make the decision that is right for you. Personally since I dont rely on the diet pills everyday, I feel like I am only helping myself through those really tough days where I want to graze all of the time. In the end even with those habits Im pretty positive that I will be able to maintain, but right now it's hard to keep losing. Best of luck to you!
   — Cory F.

July 26, 2002
I have been stuck for over 6 weeks. Last Sat. I started Metabolite. Since then I have lost 6 #. I will not take them next week. But they did "jump start" me, and for the first time in 6 weeks I'm happy!!!!! I think ( my opinion) they are ok to use once in a while. this is the first time I've ever used them . My surgey was 7 months ago, and I need that last 25# gone!!! But like I said I will not use them next week and hopefully may not have to use them again.
   — Cindee A.

July 26, 2002
I took one once with Ephedra and thought I was going to literally have a heart attack. And I only took 1/3 the dose! But I did buy some stuff from called Ultimate Slim and had no heart problems at all with it. (No Ephedra in them). In fact I still have some left. And I've been on a platau so maybe it's time to try it again. ;)
   — Danmark

July 26, 2002
Well if these pills really worked long term none of us would be here? Why go thru surgery? Its my personal opinion to let our bodies control our loss and plateaus. Now chart weight is well and good but all of us are healthier at 100 pounds less so why push it for the last pound. My surgeons recomendation is to work at loosing the last bit but DONT get too worked up over it. Those who try desperately to loose the last bit run the risk of eating disorders and a lifetime of weight bounces, just like pre op. Those he says who relax about the number are happier and healthier post ops and better adjusted. Chart weight is a arbitary number developed by statiscs. We are INDIVIDUALS and after that first 100 pounds are healthier than we were MO. Besides MOs and espically the SUPER MOs have much heavier bones and lower body muscles and unfortunaytely extra skin. So we dont necessarily all fit the weight chart.
   — bob-haller

July 26, 2002
First I will say that I am a pre-op still...but I don't understand why people would still take diet pills after surgery? I thought one of the benefits of surgery was to not need diet pills any longer. I totally understand that you want the last x amount of pounds off (we all do), but maybe you aren't losing because that is the weight where your body feels comfortable. I too have taken Metabolife, and in return I had very very severe stomachaches that sent me to the ER. I DID eat when I was suppose to, and I DID follow directions exactly. Please don't get angry with me, I am just trying to understand your reasoning. Thanks.
   — fropunka

July 26, 2002
Just to clear up a bit more. I'm NOT trying to get at a goal weight or lose the "last couple pounds". If this were so, I'd be trying to lose 100 more pounds, not just 50. It's just that my window is closing, I am following directions exactly, and nothing is happening. I'm trying to find some solution short of getting a revision for a longer bypass (although I'm already a distal...barely).
   — Tracy L.

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