11 &1/2 months post op & Everytime I eat I go to sleep

Hi All: I have had the wierdest thing happening to me...Everytime I eat, (no matter what it is) protein or a sweet, I get the overwhelming urge to go to sleep. Last Sat. I slept for over 3 hours after I had eaten 1 cracker and peanut butter. I do not throw up or get stomach cramps, diaharreah or sweats...No problems with any foods since about month #7...I just simply cannot hold my eyes open or my head up. My legs get very weak also like they weigh a ton...I have to be very careful where I am when I eat anything...I can literally go to sleep right at the table(I did that a week ago...thump, right onto the table)...I have absolutely NO control over this...the only thing that does not put me to sleep is hot tea or ice tea with sugar....Anything else and it's lights out...ANYONE ELSE EVER DO THIS????.....Signed.....Sleeping In Riverside( ha ha)....any input is REALLY APPRECIATED....If I can stay awake long enough to read the responses.... :)    — Joi G. (posted on July 24, 2002)

July 23, 2002
Sounds like you are experiencing dumping syndrome. Some people are EXTREMELY sensitive to fats/sugars post-op. Try eating pure protein (i.e. a can of tuna or a 1/2 chicken breast) and see what happens. Most people do not dump on protein alone. If this fixes the problem, you're probably dumping.
   — Terissa R.

July 23, 2002
I am a little over 2 years postop and the same thing happens to me only if I eat something with a slightly higher amount of sugar than is recommended. Everyone is different and maybe your problem is a result from sugar too. I know that I can tolerate more sugar in some items than others - it all depends on how it was prepared. Even certain fresh fruits make me tired from the amount of natural sugars. When you get dozey, make a list of the foods that you had and see if you can find a similar product in the store with a lower sugar content to see if that is the culprit that is causing your sleepiness.
   — Trish G.

July 24, 2002
Joi, Your problem can be the result of several things. It could be dumping, your sugar could be dropping extremely low. Or, your serotonin level could be going too high. Serotonin levels go up after we eat (especially certain foods), and many of us go to sleep. Also, some foods such as milk or poultry contain Tryptophan which may induce sleep. (Some people say this is a myth, but I know people who eat turkey and are out like a light). The most serious thing I can think of would be Narcolepsy, and I kinda of doubt that it is your problem esp. if these episodes occur after eating. I would get or borrow a glucometer first, and check my sugar at different times of day to see if there is any correlation. It does sound the most logical. Good Luck!
   — Tina B.

July 24, 2002
I was getting the sleepies after meals. Even if I had a table full of company!!! How embarrassing! I sked the doc and he said, "Drinking with mels?" MR? Nooooooooo. However, I was SIPPING with meals. Just a little. OK, lerned that one, go forward now. The last 6 months or so, I have had dumping with carbs. Breads, more specifically. I've eaten soup & bread and had to pull over in the parking lot & sleep it off. I've dumped on tiny burgers! BURGERS?! I've eten them for years. (ok, part of 'em). I'm thinking things change. I'm thinking I may have to leave "white things" behind, cheap breads, crackers, stuff like that. Isn't that crazy? The stuff has no use for me, so it's not like I'm losing anything, except the convenience. But it is intersting to keep learnign new "rules" at 7.5 yrs out. Wonder what comes next?
   — vitalady

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