Are the very small, fish bones in lake fish a problem?

I am a newbie....RNY 3 months ago. I went out to dinner tonight and ordered walleye. I live in Wisconsin where we have a lot of lake fish. As I took my first bite I pulled out a small white fish bone. The fish was full of them. I was afraid to eat the fish as it would be very easy to swallow one of them without even realizing it. My question is have any of you eaten lake fish with the many small bones in them and had any problems? It is impossible to remove them as you can barely see them. I panicked and reordered cod. Thanks for your imput. I hope I am not doomed to never eat fresh fish around here. But it would still be a small price to pay....I am down 41 lbs and smiling.    — mtelliston (posted on July 19, 2002)

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