Did you increase your dose of anti depressents after surgery?

I have been on celexa for two years prior to surgery. My depression is definately chemical because I am not depressed about anything particular. Since surgery it has gotten worse and I think I need to increase the dosage. It has nothing to do with regretting surgery because I am doing well and am very happy with my decision. Is the medication just not being absorbed as well? Sorry for so long!!    — emilyfink (posted on July 13, 2002)

July 13, 2002
3 weeks before surgery i started on paxil and after surgery i had to increase the dosage. The reason for my increase took me a while to figure out. I know it sounds strange but, i think i was in morning for loosing my best Completely understandable if you are feeling more depressed. Just go talk to your doctor. You are the only person who knows what's going on inside. If you feel the old feelings coming back again just say something. Cause as you and i both know you can't fight it on your own. Good luck debbie....oh by they way, it's been 10 months since surgery for me and now i'm off all my depression meds.
   — deborah D.

July 13, 2002
I too have done an increase. I am not sure why, I may agree with the last posting. The increase has helped. I too know it is chemical, I have lived with this for years. Good Luck.
   — hklang70

July 13, 2002
I had the same problem as you. In my case I was on Welbutrin SR (150 mg) twice a day, and one Celexa a day. My depression has gotten extremely bad (dangerous in my opinion) and I had to do something. Thankfully someone on this site mentioned that there is a Welbutrin that IS NOT time release. Now I'm on Welbutrin (not SR) at 100 mg twice a day and it seems to be working. Unfortunately I usually forget my Celexa so I'm not sure if that still works post op. I'm not positive, but it does'nt seem like Celexa would be time released???
   — Danmark

July 13, 2002
my zoloft had to be doubled as i was on a backward slide after surgery. my psych & i realized i was not absorbing the full dose of my original amount. once doubled i felt much better the very next day. my psych figures that i am now absorbing the amount of the ORIGINAL dose i was on.
   — sheryl titone

July 13, 2002
I'm sure it has something to do with the way the antidepressant is being absorbed. I too have had to increase my Paxil one week postop. Haven't doubled it, but upped the dosage. Good luck and let's all stay informed on this.
   — Karen N.

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