How long can I expect to be bloated up following lap RNY?
I had lap RNY this past Wednesday, got home on Friday. I'm doing quite well except for this tremendous pressure in my belly. I've done my walking, and pardon the graphics, but only been able to pass gas once or twice. I noticed it is the worst when I wake up (using a CPAP machine set at 10cm). I am going to try sleeping without my CPAP tonight to see if that relieves it some. Is this common after lap RNY? Should I wait it out or try something to "release" the gas? I appreciate any and all helpful comments. Thanks, Anna — Anna L. (posted on July 8, 2002)
July 7, 2002
I had lap rny on June 13 and I don't know anything about CPAP or if there
is a connection between that and your situation, but I would suggest that
you walk as much as you can. Surgically speaking, it is the best thing you
can do -- and it really gets things "moving".
— Marti R.
July 7, 2002
Just to be safe I would call your surgeon and ask for advice. At one week
post op I walked about 1.5 mile. Although many arent that ambitious.
Walking really helps gas go away...
— bob-haller
July 7, 2002
I know exactly what you are talking about. I was miserable with that
"tremendous pressure in my belly". I had that until about 2
weeks post op. At about 5 days post op my surgeon told me to take some
Milk of Mag, but I was to nervous to take it so I didn't. It got worse and
worse to the point where I was in tears over it. I felt like my belly was
going to pop. Anyway, I finally took some and it helped so much. I coulda
kicked myself for not taking it when my surgeon told me to. If I were you
I'd give your surgeon's office a call and see if you can take milk of mag.
good luck.
— A. S.
July 9, 2002
Just a follow-up...I spent one night without the CPAP and also got some
GasX. But REAL RELIEF came from using the heating pad for my back pain! :)
Thanks to each for your support. (((HUGS))) Anna
— Anna L.
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