Can I take Celebrex after surgery

Do I need to change my arthritis medicine? I also take Synthyroid, Celexa, detrol, Prilosec do any of those come in a patch ? My Estrogen is a patch so I don't have to put it in my tummy    — Sue F. (posted on July 2, 2002)

July 2, 2002
You probably won't even need those medicines anymore. Have you checked with your surgeon...better yet your PCP? Also, don't be but I USED to take Celebrex for arthritis that I still has a tendency (and side effect) of causing gastrointestinal bleeding. Check it out with your pharmacist and always read the circulars that come with your medicine. It causes several other internal disturbances. Needless to say, right now, I'm dealing with the agonizing and crippling arthritic pain because of the GI problems I'm now having to deal with. Celexa is generally used for depression and anxiety-hopefully after your surgery you'll no longer need it because the aniety of being overweight will be over with. Try not to hang on to all of those medicines. The combination of ALL those drugs could have some adverse effects. Be careful and if you really don't need the stuff, DON'T take it.
   — yourdivaness

July 2, 2002
Sue - I am on Synthroid too. Just talked to my PCP and he said to continue that. Those pills are small enough that you shouldn't have any problem. I would check with your PCP regarding your other meds, though. He may defer to the surgeon on some of them, but it's always good to go to the person who prescribed the medicines first.
   — John Rushton

July 2, 2002
I was told by my PCP that Celebrex and Vioxx are both safe for me to take post op. However, he does want me to run it by my surgeon just to be sure and I don't see him again until my surgery date which is July 16th.
   — Heather N.

July 2, 2002
I take Celebrex on a daily basis, though I was able to decrease my dose. I also take Prevacid and several other rx such as Plaquenil. I have had no problems.
   — Bobbi G.

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