I have a leak the Dr. knows about.Developed 8 days post op. Any advice?

   — Renee H. (posted on June 23, 2002)

June 23, 2002
Where is the leak? I would imagine if the doc knows about it and you're not in the hospital, it's not life-threatening, but can you be more specific?
   — Leslie F.

June 23, 2002
I also had a leak around one staple. They found it at the leak test two days post op. It kept me in the hospital 9 days. The Dr. wasn't worried. He said after I lost 100 pounds that he would go in through an Endoscope and take a look. It it was still there he would fix by gluing. I needed four dilations and they found the leak was gone. It closed up with scar tissue. The Dr. said if I had stopped losing weight then the leak was a problem. I'm down 107 since January. Hope your leak is minor like mine was. The Dr. thought the staple just didn't go through all the way. At the endoscope the Dr. did pull out a few loose staples. Hope you do okay.
   — hessie28

June 24, 2002
Hi, I am now 14 mos. post op. I had a leak in both stomachs. I was fed through IV's for 3 mos. and only ice chips by mouth. I went for a Leak test every 2 weeks. Finally they had to pull at the JP drains that were still in, because I started to get infected, and the Leak healed. As soon as the Dr. took out the drain. I went for another Leak test the next week and it was healed. The radiologist said it was Tissue that grew up around it and closed after the fluid lost the track it was following, (meaining when they pulled out the drains). I had more complications, I will tell you more just e-mail me.
   — lynbaby B.

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