I need help with nausea that continues daily

I had my open RNY on May 20 without any complications or pain. The doctor said I was a poster person for WLS. I've lost 42 lbs. but this past Wed. I starting feeling full 24 hrs a day. Sick to my stomach, wanted to burp, belch, anything to get relief. Tried Tums, walking, but nothing helped. Called surgeon on Friday, went to hospital, had Upper G.I but nothing was found. I haven't had anything but liquids, mostly water since Wed. Vomited last night, mostly water and thick mucus. Still sick this morning. Any suggestions from Post-op's, please. I see the Dr. on Tues. Thanks    — kysunshine (posted on June 16, 2002)

June 15, 2002
Hi: I totally sympathize with you..i did the same thing...At 6 wks post op I had the same symptoms and I had grown scar tissue that was closing off my stoma....they scoped me and I have been great since. Also, there is Reglan(?spelling) REALLY HELPS the lazy tummy get working again...ask doc...this is 2002...there is no need to be constantly nauseous....Good Luck....
   — Joi G.

June 15, 2002
I had the same symptoms as you did. Imagine my surprise when the nutritionist told me I wasn't eating enough. I said I get nauseous and throw up because I'm not eating enough. Low and behold, I forced myself to start eating more and gettng in more fluids it all stopped. If they haven't found anything physically wrong, might be an option. Good luck to you.
   — Shona M.

June 16, 2002
I'mvery sorry to hear you feel so sick. I know my surgeon and RN have said for nauseau to eat saltines, and i have done this and it helped me, so you may want to try, i take very small bites. Hope this helps you, goodluck and hope you feel better soon!
   — Lezlie Y.

June 16, 2002
I was doing the same thing and my doc gave me Nexium and it has stopped as long as I take it in the mornings.
   — Tonjia L.

June 16, 2002
You might insist on being scoped. The UGI might show a tight stoma, but it would not reveal a marginal ulcer or anything else doing on. If water tastes metallic on top of all this, do no leave his office without an appt for EGD, OK? Ulcers can perforate and THEN what a mess!
   — vitalady

June 16, 2002
Hi Edna! I too had nausea but it was at dinner time every night, not like yours which seems very sudden. What helped for me (in order of strength!): Tums, Pepcid, ginger (either capsule or something with it), Rx for Prilosec. I'd also try to keep hydrated- couldn't do water the only thing that felt good and stayed down was iced tea, also did a lot of cup-o-soup, saltines, cottage cheese, lightly buttered toast (think that'd be bad but for me it's a tummy-comfort food). I hope all goes well for you at the doctor, and congrats on your loss! This part of it will be over soon! =)
   — Sarah C.

June 16, 2002
Edna, Thank you for asking this question. The reponses have made me feel a little better. I had my surgery on May 20th also and the last 5 days I have been sick to my stomach. I called the nurse Friday (Doc on vacation) and they called in a prescription for Compazine. It hasn't helped much, I have to call in the morning and they're going to see about an Upper GI. I've noticed today that I've been trying to eat more often and that helps a little. I sure hope this can be fixed, it's an awful feeling. I tried some Milk of magnesia last nite and it came right back up. I hope you get to feeling better.
   — Jean W.

June 18, 2002
This is Edna,I was admitted to the hospital Sunday evening and was dehydrated, put on IV's and had a scope yesterday. I had a stricture. My opening was almost closed and now it looks like a doughnut. Put back on full liquids and see Dr. July 2nd. Feeling fine now.
   — kysunshine

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