Any Christians battling/battled with the decision to have surgery?

I really would like to hear from other Christians who have battled with the decision to have WLS. How do I know if this is God's will for me? I don't feel as though I am doing this for selfish reasons, but I am still confused as to whether I will be sinning by having a surgeon reconfigure my digestive system to help me lose weight. I have been heavy my whole life and I have always prayed that I would one day finally be able to get this weight off and so far this seems like the answer. I just don't want to be seduced by the ways of this world. I don't want to convince myself that this is right for me, if it is not God's will. I'm sorry if I'm rambling. I have been dealing with this issue for a while and right now I am seeking an answer by praying and fasting (I've never fasted before). I think this surgery will help me eat to live, instead of live to eat. To really appreciate what the food does for my body, instead of just eating for pleasure. I'd really appreciate hearing from other Christians with some insight or words of encouragement. Thank you so much.    — MoLyn (posted on June 14, 2002)

June 14, 2002
Here's my scoop on God. He wants us to be happy, period. He is a giving, loving God. He did not create us to live on this planet suffering in misery, that's just not his gig. You would probably not hesitate getting a kidney transplant or have open heart surgery to save your life- and I don't feel you would question God about having the life saving surgery either. So why with WLS? Why getting an operation be considered a sin? Your body is a temple, and you are trying to improve the temple! If anything this surgery will allow you an extension on your life, in return being able to serve the Lord, longer! God made the Doctors smart enough to help us with their tools. I feel all you need to do is pray for guidance. Someone is making you question this surgery, and I don't think it's God.... I think it's you-know-who......
   — Karen R.

June 14, 2002
What a great question. Interestingly, I feel as though by having WLS, I have freed myself from the "ways of the world," because I no longer fight my food addiction. Now I am freer to explore my spiritual self and to serve God and His children.
   — Terissa R.

June 14, 2002
Honey, trust me.. I would have to say from the bottom of my heart that this is the best thing that God has ever done for overweight people. You don't have to question the surgery, because it will make you loose weight and feel much,much, better. I struggled with questioning if I made the right decision and nothing could have been more right.. I also think it's you-know-who talking to you! You deserve to be heathy and just pray that you don't have any complications. Ask the Lord for his help and let him take away your worries.
   — Amy M.

June 14, 2002
I've trusted God for many things in my life and feel I've been screwed over by him. So my answer will no doubt reflex that view. As for me, I too prayed and prayed for his help to lose weight with diets. Even when I played by the rules (ate all the right foods) and avoided bad foods, my ^#%$@ body would not give up any weight! Well, God did'nt care enough about me to help me when I was doing everything in my power to lose weight, so he better not think I'm sinning by surgery! After all, there was no other way to lose it as I tried all other means and he sure did'nt help me when I begged his help. After all it was'nt like I said "God I want to lose this weight but I'm not willing to do all I can in the bargen". I did all I could, and he did nothing! So I had the surgery and he gets no glory as he would'nt help when I went all out to help myself before surgery. Sorry, but I'm really ticked off at the almighty for many things. And I no longer feel I wish to defend someone who obviously could'nt give a hoot about me. So if God has'nt helped you lose the weight when you prayed, I certainly would'nt worry if I'm in "his will". What other choice do you have if you want to lose? Best of luck to you in your decision for or against WLS.
   — Danmark

June 14, 2002
I am also a Christian and I prayed for so long for the lord bless with the ability to lose this weight.The Lord sure work in mysterious ways because he allows man to advance their knowledge and find cures for whatever ill us, and I truly believe it was God who lead me to this site and research . You see one day I was so depressed, crying, meserible and at the end of my rope, I was 310 pounds and climbing, I prayed for a end to this agoney, as I was online I don't know what made me to it but something came to my head and said" weight loss surgery", I typed it in and sure enough, I saw so many wonderful sites on this subject, something I never seen before. I came upon this particular site and was so over joyed by the information and support it had , I research and read and asked question over and over again,that I decided that if everything goes well (God"s will) then I would go in Jesus name. Well six months later I had it done, 10 most post-op and 105 pounds lighter , I thank God every day in Jesus name that he allowed me to have it done. Pray my friend and he will lead you to a new and wonderful life. Leave it in his hand. May God bless you on your journey.
   — Rebe W.

June 14, 2002
One of my friends put doubts in my mind before my surgery. And I feel that it was the enemy speaking to me. I had prayed so long for an answer and I felt that the Lord had led me down the path to WLS. He DOES want us to be happy and healthy. Its the enemy that brought forth disease and misery in our world. Our faithful God would not do that to us. He has provided a way out for us. I was so at peace with my decision, up to the time that I was wheeled into the OR. Not a moment of hesitation or nervousness. Just a calm peace. And when I woke up...JOY! Just pray about it, you will be led to the right decision.
   — Cheri M.

June 14, 2002
Dear Heart, I have also thought long and hard about what God would have me to do regarding this weight. The truth is that God wants us to be healthy. If you look at the Proverbs 31 woman, it talks about her being physically strong. Beth Moore looked that particular word strength in the Hebrew and the literal translation is "physically fit". In truth, all Christians, do not have the same relationship with God, He holds us to different standards. For some, it is OK to do certain things, but for others God would not want us to do the same thing because He knows what our weaknesses are and what can become strongholds in our lives. What I did in this situation is earnestly prayed for God to either open the doors WIDE, or shut them TIGHT. If He wants me to do this surgery, the doors will open and it will be a normal and peaceful process. If He doesn't I pray that He will close every door. I want to stay in God's Will more than I want to be thin. God Bless You. You will do what is the right thing, I know it! I pray that He will give you the peace He has given me, and you will be another WLS success!
   — Stephanie B.

June 14, 2002
I am a Christian also.. I believe the lord has bless with me to be mentally and spirtually able to make the decision to have the surgery. My first thought was where will I get the money to pay for the dedutible, and the lord has bless me with the funds.. I was concern about the time I need off work and of course he has worked that out also.. Remember he did not bring us this far to leave us..
   — HelpMeRhonda !!

June 14, 2002
Thank you for posting this question. I am a Christian and believe that God has offered this option for our lives. It is not ideal for everyone and that decision has to be one that is well researched, well thought and one that has been prayerfully sought. For me, I never doubted that God felt I had made a good decision as the decision was so peaceful for me. I went into this surgery dealing with major insurance problems and with timing of initial visits, etc. it took almost a year. When I had the surgery I was not frightened or anguished over this decision -- but totally at peace. My surgery was uneventful and at 10 wks, I am 41# down and doing just great with no complications. One of the things that God asks of us is to let go and let God - DO! That also means letting go of trying to control decisions, outcomes, etc. and truly letting him work those miracles and magic moments in our life. To do that you also accept that the outcome might not be the one you want but it will always be the one that God feels is right for us. So as you pray, you might also pray for peace and calmly and gently let go of this turmoil you feel and watch the magic roll in. I am not losing as quickly as some, but I am losing and I'm feeling good so that too I trust. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "Bible Beater" or one who is fanatic about anything but for this decision for me, once I felt this was what I wanted, the boulders began to disappear and I truly feel God took care of things. On my end I do give God the glory for however this works out. He never promised me everything in my life would be perfect but he promised he'd never leave me and even at the times when I walk from God, he has never walked from me. I wish you peace as you work through your decision. Andrea
   — AJC750

June 14, 2002
I agree with all the other posters, of course, but one. I, too, am a Christian. Remember, our body is the only one we will have until the rapture and it's our responsibility to keep the "temple" holy. Gluttony is a sin just as is adultery, stealing, lying, etc. I will admit that is my sin and ask that I be delivered of that in every way. Alcoholics need AA and God doesn't condemn them, in fact, in a lot of instances, they are drawn closer to Him through their recovery. God doesn't stand there with a hammer to beat us over the head. He is a God of grace and mercy and forgiveness. My neighbor had this surgery about 1 1/2 years ago. Doing this surgery forced her to get on her knees and truly seek a deeper relationship with God. Because the reason we're overweight (at least most of us) doesn't go away as soon as we're in the recovery room. This surgery does not immediately solve our problems. Those emotional eating patterns are still there and we have to face those honestly as soon as we return home. In some cases, the only way to do that is to draw nearer to God. I have tried Weigh Down with Gwen Shamblin (twice, of course). Didn't work. Why? My problem, as I've researched, is not what I'm eating, but the fact that I am, indeed, a carb addict, and what I need help with are the portions. That's it. I can do fruit, veggies, fish, tuna, whatever -- problem is, without this tool that I'm seeking, my portions are unbelievable. I'm pre-op and I, too, am asking God to go before me in this journey and I believe that He is. My faith is not in this surgery, but in an almighty God. He will sustain me and He will guide me through this journey. I didn't mean to ramble. Feel free to e-mail me if you want. I hope that you begin to feel his peace about this situation. Take care.
   — crawford1213

June 14, 2002
I really struggled with my decision too. Had no "voice from heaven" experience for me, but I've always told my kidlings that when you're trying to figure out if something is right or wrong you need to 1st pray about it, go to the Word, then ask yourself...1~Even tho everything is permissible (1Cor. 6:12) is it going to be beneficial to you physically & spiritually?? 2~Is it going this going to cause someone to stumble or hurt your testimony? (1Cor 8:13)?? 3~Is it going to bring glory to the Lord?(1Cor. 10:31). . . Not long after making my decision I came across Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Plugged all of those things in, made my decision, and all I can tell you is the Lord gave me such peace (pre op jitters excluded!!). I'll keep you in my prayers =)
   — Denise W.

June 14, 2002
What a fantastic question!!! I really believe this is God's way of freeing his people who really can't help themselves. If you had breast cancer do you think he would object to you seeking help from a Doctor who could help save you along with his help? I don't think so. We as christians have something really special that others don't have and its called guidance and wisdom through the holy spirit( are what ever you chose to call him) and I think you know the answer to your question, but if you don't sit down and really think about what God is--he is mostly Love, and he wants us to love ourselves just as much as he loves us--and if that means having the surgery to continue to live this life fully and continuously serve him and tell others about his goodness then by all means I think he would want you to have this surgery to be able to live this life and tell others who are like you and me about this wonderfully idea he GAVE Dr's to help us when we couldn't help ourselves. Because of this weight gain I am ashamed to go to church and worship--and I love going to church, but because of the way I look and feel I can't bring myself to "fellowship amongst the people of God." Don't let this happen to you--If you have the means stretch out your faith and "Just Do It" God Bless
   — mischief85

June 14, 2002
What a great question. Being a Christian, I too thought about this, but after praying on this I know that I am doing that right thing. If I had a broken hip or needed a hip replacement would I not replace that damaged hip with a new steel one? My issue, the one that I have prayed countless times about is that I won't become vain about my new appearance. I do not want to be tempted into thinking that I look so good and be tempted to think that I am just the cutest thing. I have lost weight before and I know how I was, vain vain vain. I have rejoined my wonderful Lutheran church and I know that with God's help I will keep myself in check. Now if that doctor would just call with a date hmmmmmm. Good luck
   — marta B.

June 14, 2002
God made this surgery happen for me. I battled with the same thing and I just prayed about it. God doesn't want his children to be sick. If you are obese, you have a sickness. After praying about it, I felt a sudden peace about the whole idea of WLS. The problem was I had no insurance and my work didn't offer it. I prayed some more and asked God to lead me to an insurance provider that would approve my surgery. He did just that. I was then approved for a individual policy (which was unheard of at 375 pounds). While I was trying to get insurance, many agents told be that it was not likely that I would get the coverage I wanted while weighing so much. I had faith and sure enough God came through. I have walked with the Lord and he lead me to a healthier life. I really believe that if I did not have surgery, I would never be able to do God's will for my life (I would have been too unhealthy). WLS was the answer ro my prayers. God bless you and I'll be praying for you.
   — Sarah K.

June 14, 2002
Wow, are we talking about the same God here? I've never felt that God didn't care about me or want to help me. IMHO, I don't think He is as concerned with your body as He is your heart. This body is but a moment in time. Your heart, however, is for eternity. I agree that each person must seek their own answer from Him. What is so cool about God is that this surgery might be insignificant in relation to eternity and His Kingdom, but He is very interested in you and what you is happening to you to want to be a part of it as well. You are never alone! God's grace is a marvelous thing. Enjoy it as He gives it to you.~~~
   — Danna B.

June 14, 2002
I struggled with this more after then I did before, because in a way I feel like I was led to this operation. I actually dealt with this issue in my last post to my profile. I have many times prayed to lose my obsession with food so I could lose weight and it didn't work. I believe that God gives all of us free thought. So, we of our own choice decide to follow Him and love Him. Taking away my obsession would tamper with my free thought, so instead I was given this operation to restrict my eating and assist me in losing weight, but it did not interfere with my free thought. The other day as I was cleaning out my garage, I just thought how could this be wrong? How could me doing something to make me walk better, sleep better, breathe better, feel better be sinful?
   — Lisa N M.

June 14, 2002
Although I am a Christian, I do not agree with what seems to be a "trend" that whatever happens is God's will. For example, I asked my nephew, who is in college, what he plans to study, and his answer is usually some variation of whatever God tells him. People, where is you backbone and your own mind?
   — juvpd

June 14, 2002
<b>Thank you to all who have posted. Some of you nearly brought me to tears. This has been so helpful to me. God bless you all.</b>
   — MoLyn

June 14, 2002
I will simply concur with most of these postings as a devout Christian. However, I'm sorry Daniel is suffering so. Daniel, please don't give up on God. God hasn't given up on you. He always answers prayers and sometimes the answer is no. I don't understand these things either but I've seen too many quirky things that I didn't understand that ultimately wound up for His glory. He has lots of faith in you and loves you very much. Please don't be angry cause Dad said no to a particular prayer.
   — Nell C.

June 14, 2002
Hi, I am pre-op still, but I believe that if God did not want us to do this, he wouldn't have given man the brains for the know how. When I had my first son, my body did not produce milk, I bottle fed him, a man came up to me and told me I was sinning, my retort was, wouldn't it be a bigger sin to starve my baby? After my second child and I had seriously hurt my back, I found myself pregnant again. Dr's advice abort the baby, my choices being, permanent paralysis or death to both me and the fetus. I chose the abortion, I chose to live for the two sons I have already. I DO believe God gives us the mind to make decisions for ourselves. He gives us what he believes we can handle. He opens gates and allows us to have opportunities to make ourselves better or worse. I believe he does point us in the right direction in our lives, it's up to us to use the knowledge as we see fit. He did not put us here on earth to be miserable and hate ourselves, but to share of ourselves, become better and help others. He is a forgiving God if we do make mistakes. >this is only my opinion and what I believe< Prayers to you in making your decision. I made mine, I want to live, and be healthy and grow old. I want to enjoy my children, grandchildren too when they come along :)
   — Moma V.

June 14, 2002
MO-Lyn, God said I would that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prosper. I believe it is God will that we be healthy even if we have to seek help to do it. That is why He created Doctors and nurses. So not only does he want us to be healthy but also wants us to be prosperous also. I suggest ask God to let His will be done in your life and to lead you to what is best for your life. He will surely answer your prayers. It was answer to my prayers for me to have this surgery. Every step of the way God brought me through.
   — Sharon T.

June 14, 2002
I have never posted to the message board before because as a pre-op I felt I had nothing to offer. On this subject however, I couldn't keep my OPINION to myself. The healing powers of physicians are referred to in the Bible. The power of prayer is an awesome thing. Some people think that if they don't get what they ask for, the prayer has been ignored. I don't think it was ignored, I think it was answered, and the answer was "NO", or "NOT NOW". I took it as a good sign that my surgery request was approved on the first try. Like I said, just my OPINION. chris
   — Chris S.

June 14, 2002
This is mostly for Danielle-Did you ever stop to think maybe this surgery was God's answer to your prayers? He might not come when you call him...but he's always right on time!
   — Raven ..

June 14, 2002
I believe that we are all here on free choice / free will and although we have some grand plans in our life - it's still up to us how we handle them or the choices we make as we go along the way. What I did prior to surgery is thought long and hard about it - I got in a secure place spiritually and I asked for direction and guidance. I asked that if things were meant to be and if I could go into this thing head on - to allow things to fall into place. If the insurance wasn't going to cover it (which it didn't) - I asked that the money become available to me and with no interest !! Guess what? Everything fell into place. I'm not saying that this was all without obsticles or bumps in the road because quite a few times I'd find myself in a whirlwind of worry as different tests came back with problems but I kept the worry in His hands. Gave up the heartache to a higher energy and watched as everything fell gently into place. Don't second guess yourself, if at all possible and see what kind of future YOU can create for yourself - with His guidance. Good luck to you.
   — Lisa J.

June 14, 2002
Hi. Fellow Christian here. I too battled with tampering with God's work.....but ya know what? I wasn't always a big person. I got this way by overeating and simply not caring about appearance for the last ten years. I didn't exercise, ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, how ever much I wanted (church dinners, how about it?)....until one day I came to myself and realized I was killing myself with a slow death. Then a visit to the doctor and a stern warning from him making me aware that I didn't take control I was heading for a heart attack, stroke and definitely, diabetes was right around the corner. It was then that I started searching, also asking God's will. And then I realized. God made man intelligent enough to learn this weight loss procedure for people like us with this disease called obesity. If we needed heart surgery, or a kidney or a new liver, would we hesitate? Would we leave diabetes untreated? No, we wouldn't. So why not take advantage of this surgery if it is going to enhance our quality of life? And for me, it has. I had Lap RNY on 11/02, have lost 80+ lbs. so far, am off three of four prescriptions meds, I exercise daily, I have my self esteem back, I am actually interested in living again. Before I was praying to die. Does this answer your question? I hope so. You deserve to be the best you YOU can be. Besides, what you decide to do is a personal choice for you. Don't let anyone tell you it's a sin. Live life to its fullest. God's blessings to you.
   — Annie H.

June 14, 2002
Hi there: To simply state it. I never thought it would be an issue, but it turned out to be the biggest. All of the things you have said hit home. The closer I got, the more unsure I became. But I just prayed and ask for guidance. I asked that if it were not for me, that I not get approved or that things just don't work out. I started having a little bit of a tough time with approval and doctor procedures and started to take it as a sign. My family prayed for me and when my aunt prayed, she said something that brought me to tears and gave me comfort. That was the fact that God knew I was going to make this decision before I came out of my Mother's womb. And indeed he did. At that point, I left it in his hands and prayed for mercy, strength and a safe recovery. I've had surgery and I still pray that he continues to guide me in the direction that I need to go and gives me the re-affirmation I may sometimes seek in the decision I have made. And again he does. I pray that you will find the peace of mind that I did with whichever decision you make.
   — Chelli

June 14, 2002
My grandma used to say. GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELPS THEMSELVES! Would you ask this if you needed surgery for a hernia or appendecitis? No probably not..... I believe God wants us to live a long and productive life as possible. Surgery helps this. Once your a post op do some volunteer work to give something back. Pick something physical like habitat for humanity. Wait till your healed, and appreciate that you couldnt of done this and worked as hard before the weight started coming off. Like I said give something back, it feels GREAT! <P> My give back is posting and moderating here. It feels great to help others. Habitatsa hard woirk would help you loose pounds, I helped some friends who had a fire do demolition and lost nearly 10 pounds and was already close to goal.
   — bob-haller

June 14, 2002
Every night in my prayers I would ask the Lord to help me lose weight. I tried everything. Then one day the thought came into my head about WLS. I had always said I would never do it. I do not even remember what made me think of it that day. It was as if the decision had already been made for me when the thought came into my head. I prayed and asked the Lord to guide me..It must be fine with Him because I have run into no obsticles with any tests and I am as calm as can be. I will be having surgery Tuesday, June 18th. Dr. Chris Boynton will be my surgeon but My God will be moving his hands.
   — Leah S.

June 14, 2002
Hi Mo, I feel as though this surgery has made my Chritianity stronger because , and this may sound strange, but I am no longer so embarrassed to leave the house to attend church. As a very obese person, I would go to church, and constantly wonder if others were watching me. I always freaked out when I would stand up to sing wondering if my pants were bunched up between my big cheeks, lol. Or if I would be able to feel ok in the seat. And so many times when I was in need , and wanted to make an altar call, I never would, that's how bad I hated myself and what others thought. Now I know that we aren't supposed to base our Chritianity on others, but sadly I was so afraid of comments made about my weight that I quit going to church . And as the old saying goes, a log that rolls away from the fire goes out. That was me, the log, the cold log. I let my weight and my hatred for myself consume me, I was one of the moodiest , nastiest tempered people to be around. Going off at anyone that even looked at me . So to answer your question, I feel that the Lord led me to the surgery. I am so different now, that I shock some of my family members and friends. I attend church , stand up and sing, no my pants don't wedgy anymore, haha. I talk to others at church, and have tried to become more involved with Christian activities. Without this surgery I would have never done any of that. God, IMO , used my surgery as a way to make me a better person for Him, and others. Yes I still struggle with my Christianity, but the struggle isn't concentrated on my weight anymore. I feel that it is just one of the battles that God wanted me to win, with many more ahead of me :)
   — Carey N.

June 14, 2002
I believe this surgery was an answer to prayer for me. For years I prayed to lose weight. After a while I asked God to please at least steer me in the right direction as to what I should do. Not too far after that I discovered this surgery. I truly believe God pointed me in this direction. After all, if I had something else life-threatening wrong, I wouldn't heistate to get it fixed if I could. I am now 4 months post op and down 97 pounds, and I thank God every single day for the changes in my life. I am so incredibly blessed.
   — Jennifer G.

June 14, 2002
After years of battling my weight, I knew I had to do something. I am Baptist. When I finally had enough of being obese, I was in my office one day praying that I needed a sign from God to show me this was right for me. I had considered the surgery, but I still needed a sign from God. That afternoon I was walking from one of my favorite restaurants and decided I needed something to read during my lunch hour. I stopped at the magazine section and there she was - Carnie Wilson on the cover of People Magazine. I looked up, started crying and told the Lord - "you didn't have to hit me in the face!" As soon as lunch was over I called BTC in Belvidere, Illinois and made the appointment for consultation and then I called my husband. He was so proud of me for making the decision on my own without his "urging". He and my mom were my biggest cheerleaders and still are to this day. I went for my one year check up (surgery was June 5, 2001) and I've lost 140 pounds so far and feel wonderful! My husband surprised me with a beautiful tennis bracelet with lots of diamonds for losing my weight. The other day I had a picture taken with my digital camera and he took the before and after picture to work and showed all his work buddies. They couldn't believe it. You have to do what's right for you. Me, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again!
   — dolphins94

June 14, 2002
hi there i too battled with is this the right thing to do i now truly feel god lead me in this direction i ran into a friend who was telling me of a girl who had done well with it this prompted me to look into it but i knew i hadnt much time left as my job is moving to china soon thus leaving me with no health coverage soon well i knew it takes a while to get dr visits out of the way and all the preop tests to be done and then finally getting aproval from insurance would take time i honestly felt i was running against the clock with my job and figured id have a huge battle with insurance butin the end it was all way fast and way too easy i took this as god guided me into running into the friend who would get me motivated next being that everything went so smooth i took it as a clear sign that im doing the right thing i did alot of praying i mean alot that all would go well and i would be watched over i feel so blessed and happy and so greatful to the angels and god i am truly blessed best of luck to you:) love carrie
   — carrie M.

June 14, 2002
I struggled with this one, too. My ins denied me 3 times. I just figured it was not to be for me. THEN I completely gave it over to Him, as there was not a thing I could do, except watch myself die by the inch. Then suddenly, there was a freaky thing in my state, whereby I could simply buy the ins I needed. It was BIZARRE. A 90 day window, jump on any ins you want, they cannot deny anyone. I grabbed it and within days I was approved & done! I waited 11 months. The one thing I know now is that obesity is a disease, not a sin. Gluttony is a sin. While I did overeat on & off, I also know I starved much of the time, as well. And still, I was obese, no gluttony present. There once was a time when diabetes was considered the "punishment" for eating too much sugar. Again, the disease is marked as sin. If you can actually get around realize that our obesity is mechanical or physical, then maybe you can dialog with God honestly about whether He will allow you to treat it with the most effective treatment available today. It is is rather like the diabetic asking if it is "normal" to inject insulin to kick a failing pancreas into gear. As you probably know, diabetics are often forced by their condition to eat things that are not always good for them, but they must to survive. And so it is with our obesity. Being "broken", our bodies often ask for things our minds KNOW are "bad", in that they are no help to our condition. Of course, much of this I recognize in restrospect. I have a fatal disease. I always will. I could live with (or in my case, NOT) the disease, OR I could take the treatment and now deal with the treatment. I gave the whole thing over to God and He managed it quite nicely without my help!
   — vitalady

June 14, 2002
In making the decision I prayed as well as done research. I feel God blessed man kind with the ability to do surgery and in this case WLS to help those suffering. I put my life in God's hands and say amen. Thank you God for your help. My surgery date may be known by this July 10 after the endoscopy test.
   — Joyce K.

June 14, 2002
Hi Mo Lyn, I too battled with this decision. I for years prayed to God to help me lose my weight and be healthy. When my doctor suggested this surgery, I prayed even harder to God and asked him if this is what he wanted for me. Then it came to me, I think God was answering me by using my doctor to tell me about the surgery. I told Him that if this was not what He wanted for me then to please do something so that the surgery would not happen. Now that I have had the surgery and am 8 weeks post-op, I know this is truly what He wanted for me. After only 5 weeks post-op I had lost 44 pounds. I have not weight again yet. I will next week. I had no complications and continue to feel so much better. I exercise at least 5 days a week. I take water aerobics 3 days a week for an hour at a time, before surgery I could not have ever done this. I thank God for this blessing. May God bless you in what ever your decision may be. Lots of love and hugs, Amy
   — Amy H.

June 15, 2002
My husband and I prayed fervently regarding WLS for God's Will to be done. We prayed that if it were not His Will, that he would not allow it to go forth. I was approved in one week's time. The day before my surgery, my whole church prayed for me and I was anointed with oil. Everything went extremely smoothly. I had very little pain and no complications. Other than being tired and needing to regain my strength, I don't feel much different at all! I am 3.5 months post-op and down about 55 lbs. God wants to bless us! Pray to Him and turn your cares and burdens over to Him. He will guide and direct you according to His Will. God Bless you in the Precious name of Jesus Christ!
   — ZaZa F.

June 15, 2002
Just to support what other Christians have posted... I am ten days postop.... I can tell you...I was starting to get kind of freaked out because I wasn't getting nervous, anxious, etc before surgery. But, I can tell you...I had peace. I flew to Spain to have surgery and had to travel alone (no...I don't speak Spanish). My insurance never gave me a decision about the surgery...I had set an insurance deadline of June since open enrollment at my job has new benefits starting July 1. I figure God provided the additional jobs and hours I worked to earn the $15,000 the surgery costs. God provided the time off for recuperation. God provided the committed Christian friends who are taking care of me now (I just got back from Spain yesterday). Contrary to popular belief, God does NOT want us happy...He wants us HOLY. Any issue, thing, person which impedes our progress towards holiness, God is very concerned about. I also found myself shying away from church and church-related activities, refusing to attend social events or even want to leave my home or talk to people on the phone. It's always so interesting to me how most Christians have NO problem using physicians, medicines, etc for physical problems; but when the same technologies are sought for psychological, emotional or mental problems, suddenly people's faith is questioned. One of the main things the advancements in science and medicine have revealed is that our emotional and mental status are often DIRECTLY linked to our physical status and/or functioning! The example I give is this: if your child's pancreas wasn't working, would you consider it a personal weakness or failing? Would you appreciate comments that if your child prayed more or exercised more self-control, he wouldn't need medication..Probably'd be begging for a prescription for insulin! Well, we know that people with chronically low levels of serotonin tend to be depressed, irritable, anxious, etc. So why badger them or make them feel bad when increasing serotonin is suggested to improve their functioning? Similarly, there's much more to being morbidly obese than simply overeating or not exercising. Those things may get you on the road to morbid obesity, but as your physiology changes and metabolism slows, etc...JUST eating less and/or exercising more generally won't work as well. I, for one, was not going to wait until I had gained an additional 100, 200 lbs before I got effective help. My blood sugars were creeping higher and I couldn't tolerate the oral hypoglycemic agents (had tried them for insulin resistance associated with PCOS). So my choice (as I saw it) was committing myself to insulin injections and potential sequelae of diabetes (blindness, peripheral nerve damage, kidney damage, etc) or some other way of losing weight. I think dying young, becoming a recluse, etc probably would ultimately undermine my witness more than having WLS! We shall see. God can achieve his goals through any situation. Pray, seek Godly counsel and confirmation. God is not the author of confusion! He will confirm one way or the other!
   — Pamela B.

June 15, 2002
I have also struggled with the "is it His will question?" I have prayed and asked the Lord to block it completely if it is wrong for me and I have faith that He will. However, having said that, I still struggle with why I'm not strong enough as a Christian to change this affliction myself without having to have surgery. After all we are taught that with God in our lives we can overcome anything. Maybe I have just experienced an epifany as I write--He is making it possible for me to overcome obesity with this surgery!! Wow!! Thank you Lord!
   — sherry H.

June 15, 2002
Already commented earlier, but this was such a good question that I've come back several times to browse the comments of fellow believers. (How neat to know there are so many of us!!) Wanted to speak to just one thing that Pamela posted below. While I SO agree that God wants us to be holy, in John 15:10-11 Jesus said "If you obey My commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed My Father's commands and remains in His love. I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete"... Jesus ~wants~ us to be happy & have joy!! and is saying that it comes from obedience and links them together. I believe that our Heavenly Father is thrilled to be able to see joy in our lives if we're being obedient to Him. He alone is the ONLY one who truly knows, & can feel the pain we have all had from the disease of obesity!! (Michelle Curran said below "The one thing I know now is that obesity is a disease, not a sin" ...HOW TRUE!!!) and let me tell you that all things considered, I am more joyful and happy these days because of the way I feel. I owe all that I am and all that I am becoming to God alone... I am truly blessed =)
   — Denise W.

June 15, 2002
Wow! I was so excited to see your question I haven't even read the other post yet! My brother had open rny done a little over a year ago and I struggled with the same question and thought to myself that if God wanted my intestines re-routed I would have been born that way. But I a discussion with my pastor he asked me this " If you had cancer, would you seek treatment for yourself and you family?" Well, need I say more, we all have a disease, it is no more our fault that we are like this than people who have other diseases. We must take care of our bodies and this is our best option. Someday they may come up with an alternative that is less invasive, but our opportunity is now. Go for it and God Bless you!!
   — Dana B.

June 15, 2002
I consider WLS to be a blessing. As a Christian, you should know that "all good and perfect things" come from God. This, to me, is like any other modern medical advancement. I've had over 10 sugeries in my lifetime -- many of which saved my life. Also remember, the Bible says that "God works everything together for good, for them that seek Him. . ." Put God first, then do whatever you want. You don't need a lightning bolt or an engraved invitation to make life decisions. Just put God first, and he will work everything out for your good. He gave us all free will, so use it along with your brain to make the best medical decisions anytime you need medical help. Obesity surgery is a real blessing, a lifesaver in many cases -- and you can use the results to work for Him and His purposes with more energy than ever before. Best wishes!
   — Cindy H.

June 15, 2002
I also struggled with this. I prayed and never felt like I was being led NOT to do it. But on the way to the hospital my very reliabl new car broke down and I just knew this was Gods way of telling me not to do it. After being on the side of the road and 1.5 hours away from the hospital,my surgery was scheduled in 30 minutes a man picked me and my husband up and took us all the way to the hospital. The staff at the hospital started another surgery so I would be able to take that persons spot, and I did. My husband felt it was meant to be because everything worked out so smoothly, but I remember looking up at those bright lights until I was out of it not so sure. Now I'm 6 months post-op and I do not even feel like i had surgery, not 1 single complication so far and -65 lbs.
   — Sherry P.

June 16, 2002
<b>Wow! I never expected to get so many responses. This is truly wonderful! It's great to know that there are so many Christians on AMOS. It really makes me feel a lot better about the whole thing. I've prayed about it and I feel that if it's not what He wants for me, than it won't happen. So far, everything has run smoothly and I notice that this is the way that the Lord chooses to work in my life. I guess it happens this way because it is easy for me to recognize. I know that ultimately, whatever becomes of this journey will be His will. God bless and thanks to you all! Please feel free to email me personally, if you ever want to talk.</b>
   — MoLyn

June 16, 2002
Hi! I know a lot of people have chimed in on this one, but I felt a need to do so as well. I know EXACTLY what you mean. I struggled for a long time from a spiritual perspective. My reason was that I didn't have a clear answer in my head whether or not I was pursuing this surgery out of vanity or because I truly wanted better health. I also struggled with my own weaknesses. When I was thinner, to put it nicely, I was promiscuous. So in my head, a part of me associates being thin with living a lifestyle that isn't acceptable for a Christian. I was truly worried about falling back into old patterns, even though I have been happily married to the most supportive and loving husband for many years. Those psychological roadblocks to weight loss can often be far worse than anything physical. So here is what I did: I laid out my fleece--just like Giddeon. I prayed intensely and asked God to plague me with horrible nightmares if I was not meant to have this surgery--so much so that I would have a very clear answer that this was not for me. Not one nightmare, just a sense of peace. I then scheduled an appointment with my pastor. I confessed everything I ever was to him--left no detail out. I did this with my husband right next to me. I am a clean woman now, as there is no detail about my life in hiding. His answer was that there was no wrong answer. If I pursued this newer thinner lifestyle, then I had to act on faith that God would be there for me through the rough spots if I sought Him. So I did. I learned a lot about myself in the process. Some of the skeletons in my past that rattled around in that closet are quieted forever. I am now 7 weeks out and have lost over 38 pounds. God bless!
   — Cheryl A.

June 16, 2002
I am not a Christian - I am a Jew. I believe in the healing powers that God has bestowed upon the finely skilled surgeons of this world. I would ask that you look at it from a slightly different perspective. If your child were born physically deformed - a twisted leg, a damaged heart, or an arm that was deformed and useless - and if the doctors were to tell you that they could easily repair these deformities so that the child could live a normal life...would you consider it God's will that the child be born this way and hence should have to live this way the rest of his life or would you consider the surgery a blessing from God so that your son could be normal? What has happened to many of us that are obese is that somehow nature erred and we aren't plumbed "correctly" and God has bestowed upon us a way to become normal. Sure, the obesity may have been given to us by God to teach us humility, patience, perseverence, or who know's what...but now he's offering us a tool to correct this problem. If God truly does not want you to have this surgery, he won't throw up one or two road blocks...He will slam on the breaks at every turn! I say this because one gal made a "deal" with God that if she was denied for ANY reason (even the smallest detail) then she knew God didn't want her to have the surgery. I tried to tell her that simply because she made the deal with God, did not mean that God had made this deal with HER! God may have simply been testing her. Ok, I've rambled enough and hope I've helped in some small way. God bless you and help you in your decision!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 17, 2002
I'm also a Christian and I think that its normal and good to be asking the kind of questions that you're asking. Our Heavenly Father wants us to study things out in our own minds and then come to him with our decision for confirmation. It sounds to me like you're handling it perfectly by fasting and praying. I to wondered if I was doing the right things before I had my surgery. I was concerned that it might be looked on as altering my "temple". After a lot of soul-searching I came to the conclusion that my Lord wants me to enjoy my life on earth and to be around to raise my children. I'm so glad that I had the surgery, it has been a good thing for my whole family. Just look inside of yourself and you will find the answers that you're searching for. Best of luck to you. Vicki Mize
   — vmize

June 18, 2002
I am a very devout Christian and I believed that God led me to learn about and have this surgery (open RNY). I had some major health problems, severe sleep apnea, joint problems, breathing problems, High blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides, and was basically to the point that I wasn't going to live much longer if I didn't do something. I prayed for an answer and next thing I know, my wife's co-worker is getting WLS surgery. I was rather skeptical at first, but the more I learned about it, the more I felt that this was the answer to my prayers. I had a blessing the day before my surgery by an Elder of my church and be told me in that blessing that God had a great work for me, and that by going through this surgery, it would improve my health and allow me to do God's work. I honestly believe that. Just a question, if you had cancer, would you question whether to seek medical treatment? I believe that God inspires and helps us through other people and that one of those ways is through giving Dr.'s the medical knowlegde to help us out. I would pray for an answer to know if this is God's will for you and then listen for his answer (it may come in various forms, but he will answer).
   — Dell H.

June 18, 2002
I am a devout Christian as well and I battled with the decision on whether or not to pursue the WLS surgery. Well after a year of doubt, fears and 10 more lbs to my already 100 lbs overweight I knew that I had to step out on faith and do something. I believe that God can use these doctors to help heal us just as He uses other physician specialists to aid in healing other patients. Please pray for me, I am in the insurance approval process.
   — Carolyn D.

June 21, 2002
I too am a Christian (Born Again & Spirit filled) I had my first WLS in 1995 and battled the idea back then. That was a VRG and was not sucessful. I am having a revision to the Duodenal Switch on 7/15. I do not believe that having whatever WLS you plan on would be sin in any way. There are other life saving surgeries that require a change or modification to the body... We are blessed to be living in the time when medical technology has become so advanced. Is is the Lord's will for you? Only prayer will answer that. For me, when I am in doubt about whether doing somehting is in the will of God or not, I ask God to block it if it is not his will... If there is a continued pattern of the action being blocked, I usually realize it is not what God wants. Keep praying!
   — Nanette H.

June 21, 2002
As A Christian, I am having a really tough time making a decision for surgery. About a year ago I joined a Christian Weightloss group that pretty much stated that our weight problems are from our own sin of trusting food to comfort us and not God. I still am thinking of this because it sounded so true to my heart at the time.(still does) Please believe me, I'm not judging ANYONE who has or will have the surgery, Heck, I'M looking into it too! Im not one of these that believe that this is a disease...I chose every morsel that went into my mouth. I overate because I Wanted met a need. There was a payoff. If I didnt get anything out of it, I wouldnt have done it. The way I am looking for an answer is this: #1. Can I support my decision in scripture?(Does the Holy Spirit speak to me about a scripture?) #2. As I CAREFULLY choose a FEW for wise council, (I can find "yes men" anywhere) Does what they are saying have an impact in my soul? #3. Am I doing more than Microwave prayers? (if I can't pray once a day longer than my favorite TV show, how serious am I listening to him?) These are just a few suggestions. I feel that asking God to "Stop It" if its not his will is not good for me. I feel as though I should be in such close communication with God, I will KNOW what he wants. I hope this may help maybe one person. Its NOT meant to put down anyone at all because we ALL have a different walk with the Father. God Loves us as his children..but he needs to talk to us daily and we, him if we are to know him fully. May God bless each one of you with peace of mind either way you decide.
   — William G.

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