NEED OPINION ON- New Dr in Area, experienced in Lap Procedures, but ......

Not RNY, he very experienced in lap surgeries, but he does not have RNY history, he is working and assisting Dr Richards,<~ exceedingly accomplished surgeon here in Toledo, Ohio. He has assisted in 24 RNY surgeries as of Tuesday June 11th. I know nobody wants to be the first, but somebody has to if the man is willing to dedicate his services to us the obese society. I am sure Dr Richards will be watching/assisting him as soon as his Mal-practice Insurance kicks in. Dr Richards has assured us he wouldn't leave us in bad hands.... But your suggestions and comments on this would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks Amos Hugssssssss    — Moma V. (posted on June 12, 2002)

June 12, 2002
Hi, my doctor was also very very exerpianced in LAP. He only did 30 LAP RNY's and refused to do them any other way but open. He says it is just not as safe and his living is more important then a scar. RNY's are very hard to do and even harder LAP. My Dr had been doing open RNY (75 of them) before he tried to do it LAP, so he did know the procedure. You will be on the table for a lot longer time with a LAP. My scar is not bad and I personally did not see any reason to put myself in more danger by haveing a LAP. Open is so much safer. My Dr. has had very few complacations with his open RNY. He still does everything else LAP just not the RNY. Hope this helps.
   — Andrea P.

June 12, 2002
hello. from what i understand, the doctor who will actually be doing the surgery is experience in LAP but not in RNY, but there will be a supervising doctor there who is experienced in RNY? yes, no one wants to be the first, but someone has to be for EVERY doctor. have you met him? i would go with your gut instinct. If there will be two surgeons there, that is always better, and an experienced LAP surgeon is always good. But i would make sure that the experience RNY surgeon will be there, and it sounds like he will be, so i think it should be ok. All surgeons have to get a start somewhere, it is honestly whether you personally feel safe with them. goodluck with your journey!
   — Lezlie Y.

June 13, 2002
I mean this Dr is NEW to RNY. period. there are hundreds of surgeries that can be done Lapriscopically. He is experienced in LAP surgeries, but not specifically in RNY.. but he is being TRAINED by a very competent surgeon. He has assisted in 24 RNY's now, as soon as he gets his insurance, he will begin doing RNY's himself. Opinions? Thankyou
   — Moma V.

June 13, 2002
My doc is just like yours!! He is a lap doc and has done many surgeries lap. He recently got into doing the RNY. He has done between 20 and 25, all sucessful! I feel the same apprehension you feel. Dr. Simpson in the chat room, said that it is SKILL, not EXPERIENCE that counts! He also has an assistant with him during the surgeries. I wish you luck and peace,Stacy
   — Stacy C.

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